Harry Potter Fanon Wiki
This article was written by Luna Estela.
Please do not make any changes to this article without the consent of the author.
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A group of Vila or Veela surrounding a young Slavic hero in ancient times.

Veela, or Vila, also known as Samodiva, are a sentient species of supernatural beings, from the genus Virgineum; of the family: Fey. Creatures of devastating, ethereal or 'unearthly' beauty, that may be found (albeit rarely) throughout largely un-developed, natural reserves and parts of the world, Veela have a complex reputation, and as members of the genus Virgineum, largely depend upon human males for reproduction, as there are no males among them. Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour, along with their mother Apolline, and Fleur's eldest daughter Victoire Weasley, are of Veela heritage- meaning that once they had finished maturing, they will not continue to age and eventually, turn into full-Veela themselves, losing their human traits in the process.

Although, due to the popularity of Quidditch and the use of them as representative mascots for the highly-successful Bulgarian National Quidditch team, they are believed to be Bulgarian, in reality, Veela are found throughout Eastern Europe, albeit with variations in the names given to them by the local peoples, who were usually Slavs. In the areas bordering the Mediterranean, such as Greece, they were often confused with Nymphs, a similar, related-species, of the same genus. In Romania, they were known as Iele.



"Veela were women... the most beautiful women Harry had ever seen... except they weren't- they couldn't be- human. This puzzled Harry for a moment while he tried to guess what exactly they could be; what could make their skin shine moon-bright like that, or their white-gold hair fan out behind them without wind..."
— Harry Potter at the 1994 Quidditch World Cup, upon seeing Veela, who were the Bulgarian team's mascots.
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Veela are sired by human fathers. Upon maturity, girls cease to age; by the age of fifty, their transformation into full-blooded Veela is complete.

Veela, more commonly known as Vila (according to Gabrielle Delacour), or Samodiva, are described as being 'the most beautiful women' that Harry Potter had ever seen, except that they, apparently, could not possibly be human. The ones seen during the Quidditch World Cup were described as having luminous 'moon-bright' skin, and white-gold hair. Other Veela- and part-Veela like Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour- were described as having silvery-blonde, or silver hair. They were graceful and willowy with tiny waists; translucent, glowing, pale skin; and waist-length (or longer), flowing hair, which was typically pale silver or white-gold, and rarely red, dark brown or black. Their eyes were light or pale, typically blue or green, or a mix of both, which have been described as being 'enchanting' and 'captivating', although people disagree whether or not they could truly hypnotise a person, or curse people who looked at them.

They typically wear long, flowing and floating white, blue or silver gowns, sometimes described as 'feathered', which can be worn with green or rainbow-coloured belts, and sometimes they also wore enchanted mantles called 'shadows'. It is often believed that stealing a Veela's 'shadow' would grant humans power over them (which was how a number of men forced them to become their wives). There are four types of Veela: the ones who have an affinity for water, those with an affinity for air or wind; those who have an affinity for land, mostly forests; and the those who call themselves the Samodiva and possess an affinity for fire. They could appear with wings, if they so choose (though most rarely do), and shape-shift into swans, falcons, horses, snakes or wolves- or whirlwinds, such as the cases for Veela who had an affinity with air and wind. Sometimes they can appear with either feathered or butterfly wings.

When angered, however, they transform into bird-like creatures with beaks and scaly wings, protruding from their shoulder blades, sprout talons, and could throw fire. Some even claim that a stare from an angry Veela could prove fatal to Muggles.


A fully-matured Veela.

Like all species of the Virgineum, Veela were known for their breathtaking, unearthly beauty which could devastate and enchant both men and women. Their hair has been known to fan out or ripple behind them without wind, and even those who have not completed their transformation to become fully-matured Veela are described as seemingly having a 'faint, silvery glow' about them, which increases the closer they come to maturing and 'shedding' their human lives.

Samodiva are a sub-group of the Vila, or Veela, and are indistinguishable from them, except temperamentally; other Veela were more open to human interaction and association and can be less hostile. As such, non-Samodiva Veela often sport less archaic clothing (or more clothing as opposed to Samodivi who have less qualms with appearing without or barely any clothing), as they are more open to human influence. The majority of Veela are said to be more light-hearted and free-spirited than the 'capricious' Samodivi.

Powers and Abilities[]

"The Veela had started to dance, and Harry's mind went completely blank. All that mattered in the world was that he kept watching the Veela, because if they stopped dancing, terrible things would happen. And as the veela danced faster and faster, wild, half-formed thoughts started chasing through Harry's dazed mind. He wanted to do something very impressive, right now. Jumping from the box into the stadium seemed a good idea... but would it be good enough?"
— Harry Potter experiencing their power of allure for the first time.
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A Veela in the woods.

The most obvious of Veela powers are their ability to lure and entrance males and some females, typically humans, but not limited to them. They lured men into trances with their singing and dancing, but they were fearsome when angered, as with other Virgineum species (and the rest of the Fey, in general). They would then turn into terrifying, winged, bird-like creatures with sharp beaks and talons, and often launch balls of fire at their opponents, the way the mascots did during the 1994 Quidditch World Cup final. They may also shapeshift into swans, falcons, horses, wolves or snakes.

Veela were inhumanly ferocious and courageous in battle, 'shaking the earth' when they fought. Possessing supernatural speed, senses and physical strength, they also harness the powers of nature, the four classical elements, and the ones that are called Samodiva in particular, have an affinity for fire and combat magic. They have the power of flight, particularly if they shape-shifted into birds, harpy-creatures (when enraged) or simply by growing wings in their natural forms. While their lightly-feathered gowns help them with ease, Gabrielle mentions that they merely aid them in the power of flight, as a broomstick or a wand would a witch or wizard. They do not give the actual ability to fly to a Veela, it is within them itself.

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Veela portrayed in a hypnotic Circle-Dance.

At night, they often ride on horses or stags (often wild), or they fly, either on winged horses or on their own, accompanied by music, usually pipes or drums, emitting the sounds of nature into music. It could, however, be perilous to a mortal who hears it. A Muggle would be partially or completely paralysed with a stroke, and die within the year. A witch or wizard, on the other hand, or a human with magic (often with semi-divine or divine heritage, like the part-angel Nephilim or demigods) would not suffer such serious effects, but it could nonetheless be dangerous for their mental and physical health and well-being. When listening to them sing, a mortal may be compelled to listen for days without eating or drinking. The Veela sing and speak in the ancient Eldarin language or Quenya, which was initially forgotten by them during and in the aftermath of the Second Calamity, but was re-taught to them by unknown sources.

Veela are custodians and guardians of nature, with the ability to speak to every animal, they are known for healing sick and wounded animals, sickly or poisoned plants and clearing contaminated water sources. They are creatures of nature, and are incredibly vengeful when it is being threatened and destroyed. When Alec Lightwood pointed out to her the hostile myths about the Vila/Samodiva, Gabrielle told him to check the date of when they were first being maligned by humans: the nineteenth century, which corresponded to the start of the Industrial Revolution. According to the myths, and confirmed by Gabrielle, Veela can often wander the rural countryside, being more genial and friendly than their cousins, the Rusalki. They would assist with the harvest and even provide bountiful crops and rainfall for the peasants, which was the reason why superstitious Muggles still respected places considered sacred to the Veela, and even left offerings of fruit, ribbons, flowers (by caves) and cakes (by wells) for them. They could also assist women with children, as like all Fey they cherish children above all others. They could repay a man who has done something good for them, or reward a hero by becoming his sworn or 'blood-sister'. They may even warn humans of impending disaster, such as avalanches, famine and and snow-storms. However, they could also bring drought, burn crops or cause plague and disease, particularly to cattle if they are angered or threatened, which often occurred due to industrialisation and pollution. It was noted that the Slavs- despite having been Christian for centuries- never truly slandered them until the start of the Industrial Revolution, which earned them the Veela's enmity and hatred due to the destruction and pollution of their home and life-source: nature.

They possess the ability to See the future, and are capable of curing almost, if not every disease. As custodians of nature, Veela guard animals, plants and water sources from pollution and human destruction. Should they witness an animal being tortured or killed, or plants and water being polluted, Veela would not hesitate to mutilate the wrong-doer or even kill them, often by forcing them to dance with them until they died from sheer exhaustion. Other times they would bury them alive or crush them by causing an avalanche or a magically induced a heart attack. Some reports claim that an angry Veela's glare is enough to kill a human, but this is likely false. They possess a special fondness for dogs, and often assist in training guard dogs for the humans they favour, while at other times they can assist and lead rescue dogs to rescue someone trapped in cliff or mountain accidents, but this has become increasingly rare.

Due to humanity ravaging nature, they often resent having to depend upon human men for reproduction and breeding, much like the Rusalki. In doing so, they cemented their status as femmes fatales and seductresses, often by tormenting their admirers. While their biological instincts propel them to mate with them in order to reproduce, they nonetheless resent it and often take revenge upon their lovers. Sometimes, men are even drained of energy and die of exhaustion, particularly if they are invited to dance within their revels. They also 'imprint' or leave a mark upon their lovers' psyche, although in many cases this was unintentional and largely uncontrollable. A man would often chase a Veela if he catches sight of one, until he is driven mad, especially if they had been intimate with one another. According to Gabrielle, even modifying their memories to ensure that they forgot their time with them would not restore a man back to sanity and health, as he often wasted away, love-sick. Unless they could be cured by a Veela themselves, then the men would die. Only Veela knew the secrets of curing such ailments, which was what Gabrielle aimed to do when she brewed a special tea each morning after spending the night with her boyfriend, later husband, Andrei.

Like all Fey, Veela consider it their sacred duty to nurture and nourish nature in all its forms. Even before the Industrial Revolution humans were known to ravage nature and at times earned the ire of the Veela. As such, humans who violate their boundaries, and destroy or trespass into a Veela's sacred space are often afflicted with blindness, deafness, disease, paralysis, madness, or even death. This is especially true for those who interrupt their sacred revels which encourage growth in nature. The rare exceptions are innocent young girls who accidentally stumble to them. These may be chosen to undergo the 'Changeling Process' and become Veela themselves, unable, or unwilling, to return to the human world. The Veela's dances and singing harness and unleash the raw energy of both nature and the supernatural world. As such, they are highly perilous for mortals to witness, but encourage growth and healing in nature, and to drive away pollution. Upon hearing Veela music and singing, animals would be compelled to find mates and reproduce, thus replenishing the wildlife. The forests would increase in size and in the number of vegetation present, and water sources would be refreshed. In some cases, particularly kind Veela, or simply those feeling merciful at that time, would return a human home from their revels, safely unharmed after ensuring that no ill effects remained. However, Veela have also been known to shoot down or kill intruders either with magic or with magical bows and arrows. They often leave a thick ring of grass where they have had their revels once they depart, which should not be passed by any mortal, as this leads to their life-force being drained from them to nourish and become part of the forest.

Veela hold secrets of healing, the likes of which humans are still in the dark. When she was still part-Veela, Gabrielle Delacour- who is also a healer- is taught their craft, under the strict condition that she would not give away their secrets to humankind or any outsiders. As they would never reveal their secret knowledge, especially to humans, the only way for humans to glean such knowledge of healing is through eavesdropping. Veela have the power to cure virtually any affliction through their medicinal knowledge and herb-lore, or through their song and dance which are enchanted. They utilise their knowledge and powers of healing, and their enchanted song and dance to heal sickly or injured animals and plants, to clean water sources and drive out pollution, and assure sufficient rainfall and a bountiful harvest.

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The Veela Ravijojla, standing guard over the Serbian heroes Prince Marko and Miloš Obilić.

As they are not always hostile to humans, they can form strong emotional attachments to them, in more ways than one. This was evident in the Delacour sisters' grandmother, mother and Fleur herself, each of whom fell in love with and became happily married to human men, even raising the children they have had with them. This is also evident, in a non-romantic way, in Gabrielle's strong friendship and ties to Ava Swan, whom she became 'blood-sisters' with; undergoing a magical ritual and vows, undertaken by a number of Veela in the past, to become literal 'sisters' with a human, often a brave and noble hero. Veela often use their healing powers and prowess in combat to heal and protect the ones they care for, or simply heroes that they admire. Especially noticeable in women and girls who are blood-sisters with Veela, are their increase in beauty and grace, as well as the 'blessing' a Veela bestows upon the one their sisters' love, in order to keep them safe. This is what Gabrielle- despite not being fully transformed yet- did for Ava Swan, and her boyfriend, later husband, Darius Smackhammer. This is because Veela admire heroic men, preferring to mate with human men who have proven themselves 'worthy' by committing heroic deeds, as they are skilled warriors themselves. Their children often become great heroes.

During times when a Veela may decide to select a 'blood-brother' or 'blood-sister', they will aid and protect them in times of danger, bless their property, and bestow all kinds of gifts on them. This not only included the gift of beauty, which Gabrielle gave to Ava Swan, but also powers of protection. Those fortunate enough to have been blessed by a Veela, are referred to as 'Vilenik' or 'Vilenika'.

Veela use their magic to build magnificent and splendid castles, palaces and beautiful hidden settlements, where they often retreated, seemingly 'at the edges of clouds', and in their own pocket-dimension. Later, they would join these with the other pocket-dimensions where various Fey species lived, in order to unify and keep their kind safe from both magical and non-magical humans (and others). They often retreat to these havens, and to places of nature sacred to them, from which they draw their energy and power from. Mountains sacred to the Veela/Samodiva include Vitosha, Belasitsa, Pirin (their favourite, which also contains the Samodivski Lakes), Rila and Rodopi mountains, the Balkan Mountain range in Bulgaria and the Rudina mountains. Cherry and ash trees are sacred to some Veela, and they can sometimes be found dancing around such trees. They were also said to favour oak or willow trees. During spring and autumn, they may be easily spotted by humans as they tended to wander throughout nature, residing briefly in old trees, caves or abandoned huts with water sources nearby, like rivers, ponds and wells; using their magic to energise and replenish nature. However in winter and summer, they retreat to their hidden city of Zmeykovo or Zmajkovo. In Macedonia their hidden village was Patelevo. There was a belief that they were nocturnal, as they avoided sunrise and summer, but Gabrielle stated that this was a safety precaution from exposure to humans.

Veela could turn themselves invisible or blend in with nature, although they may be spotted by part-Veela offspring and descendants, or dogs with four eyes- 'if you've ever seen one,' according to Gabrielle's aunt. Their hair also holds magical properties and powers, and a Veela may bestow it to her lover/spouse, children or grandchildren. The Delacour sisters' grandmother gave Fleur and Gabrielle each a strand of her hair which became the cores of their wands. Although Muggles believed that it could give them more sway over humans, Gabrielle noted that this was not the case. Veela do not give their hair lightly, knowing the amount of power it holds, so it was a mark of trust and faith to have it given to a human, as it would be someone who would not betray them. Due to opposing views and cultural clashes and misunderstandings, however, they rarely choose to bestow a hair upon anyone, and mostly to part-Veela offspring such as Apolline and her daughters, Fleur and Gabrielle.

There are four types of Veela: the first are air or cloud Veela, who live and dance within the skies and dwell together in magnificent castles and palaces on clouds. These have the ability to cause winds and storms and are aided by eagles. When sensing impending danger towards mankind, they could transform themselves into birds, fly down to earth to warn humanity and protect them from disaster. They are typically born on days of misty rain and are skilled healers.

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A Samodiva or Veela riding a stag.

The Veela who have an affinity for the forests dwell in mountains, caves and ravines, in magnificent castles. They roam the woods on horseback or on stags, protecting the vegetation and wildlife, killing anyone who dared to harm them. They often assist in caring for orphans and other children in need.

Veela who have an affinity for water live in springs, lakes, rivers and wells, although for the most part they remain on the surface. On moonlit nights they rise to the surface, whereupon the waters rise and foam, and dance on the banks, drowning or poisoning anyone who dares to pollute the water or drink from it without permission. They are often found bathing their children on the water, but can make the waters rise to nourish crops.

Samodiva are the ones with an affinity for fire, and are considered more dangerous and wild than the rest of their kin. While the majority of Veela can often help the poor and needy, unless angered, Samodiva are likely to do more harm than ill to humans than their fellow Vili, especially when angered, but sometimes just for the sake of it. Their hybrid bird forms, when they lose their temper, were said to have been more frightening. They are also known for casting powerful curses.

Some Veela have an affinity for all the elements, as Gabrielle noted, and can overlap territories and activities. Gabrielle was one such Veela.

In days prior to the industrial revolution, they used to aid humans openly in gathering the harvest, mowing grass, tearing out weeds and cockles, feeding the cattle and building their houses. Some Slovene folktales claim that it was the Veela who first taught them how to plough and sow harvests, drain meadows and even bury the dead. In return the humans would give them offerings of food, which they consumed at night, and troughs of water for them to bathe in.

Many Veela either have the gift of Sight, or are at least able to sense things that will occur in the future, and can use this gift to warn others of impending deaths or disasters. This power is especially strong during pregnancy, whereupon a Veela is able to sense or See- to a degree- her baby's future, or aspects of what their personality would be like. They are also able to instinctively tell the sex of their unborn child. Veela milk is also said to have magical properties; the Siberian Prince Marko was said, according to some accounts, to have been mothered or nursed by a Veela. They often act as peacekeepers of the forest, and any animal or fey with a problem may approach one of their sacred ash trees and have the Veela awaiting there present judgment.

Life Cycle[]

"There are no such things as male Veela. Like the rest of the Virgineum, they have to reproduce with males of other species or humans."

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Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour before reaching adulthood.

- Gabrielle Delacour in her book, Within the Forest Fey.

The life cycle of a Veela reflects both their Eldar heritage and their evolution. Although it is a common misconception that Veela are the souls of human girls who have either led frivolous lives or died of heartbreak, or that they magically spring from dew, this is not the case.

A full pregnancy for a Veela takes nine months if the unborn child is a boy (and therefore human), and twelve if it is a girl (and therefore a Veela). On rare occasions, they undergo the Changeling Process, exchanging a sickly child of theirs for a healthy baby girl born to human parents, transforming them into full-blooded Veela. However, this is extremely rare, and when it does happen, they ensure that both children are raised in happy, loving and caring homes. They are also known to take and raise children from abusive homes, transforming them, if they are girls, into full-blooded Veela. However, they have also been known to take, transform and raise children whose parents are only mistaken to be abusive, cursing them in an off-hand moment of anger. Rainbows mark the sky, and dew the grass whenever a Veela is born.

At birth, the girls are incredibly precocious and develop faster mentally, despite their innocence. By the age of one they are able to speak eloquently, sing and even dance. They possess excellent memories and are highly intelligent, their brains quickly absorbing and processing information. Physically, however, they evolved to grow in the same rate as humans, having a relatively fast childhood, compared to a prolonged one which lasts for a century, as is the case of the Eldar. This is because a rapid development and maturity is crucial for the survival of their species. However, when a Veela has a baby with another immortal, such as a member of another Fey species, or in Gabrielle's case one of the first-generation Nephilim, their child would reach their full adult height at the age of fifty, whereas adulthood would come at the age of a hundred, as is with the Eldar. This was what happened with Gabrielle's daughters.

Their mothers feed them milk and honey (in contrast to human babies for whom honey is dangerous), and teach them to harness and properly utilise their powers, how to hide from mortals, how to heal, and how to fight and defend themselves.

Part-human Veela girls cease to age when they turn twenty, and slowly transform into full-blooded Veela, with the transformation completed once they reach the age of fifty. Gabrielle Delacour was unusual in this regard as she 'sped up' her transformation process when she was half-way through, by fully accepting and triggering her Veela powers, in order to save her friend, Ava Swan, by becoming 'blood-sisters' with her.

While most Veela breed with Muggle/mundane men, in some cases, their daughters are fathered by wizards. When this happens, the result is 'a battle for dominance' as Gabrielle Delacour puts it. While the Delacour girls, Fleur and Gabrielle, were both born witches, it was known that upon reaching the age of fifty they would lose their witch powers and all remnants of their humanity and become full-blooded Veela. Out of Fleur's three children, however, two of them girls, only Victoire would become a full-blooded Veela. This was because neither her mother nor grandmother had their transformations completed by the time they had their respective children, and also because Fleur's children's father, grandfather and great-grandfather were all wizards. Ultimately, it was revealed that while Victoire's younger siblings, Dominique and Louis, inherited some Veela traits, they would eventually die out further down the line. It is unknown whether this would be the case if Veela reproduced with immortals of other species, but it is also likely that their genes are more compatible with each other and less likely to compete for dominance.

Upon reaching adolescence, a Veela's biological instincts are triggered. They become even more physically appealing; everything from their scent, their voices, their movements and their appearance is designed to attract males in order to reproduce. Their biological instincts also propel them to select a suitable man and mate, regardless of any feelings of reluctance the Veela may have, until they produce at least one daughter (although they would prefer to have more than one) once they reach twenty years. There are typically considerable intervals between each child, as mothers tend to devote most of their time and attention to one child at a time, until the child reached some degree of independence. This was the case with Apolline Delacour whose daughters, Fleur and Gabrielle, were born nine years apart (although it can be said that Fleur's own children were born closer in age, only one of them, Victoire, would become a full-blooded Veela). Gabrielle, however, gave birth to twins, which were incredibly rare.

Once they have produced enough eligible daughters to carry on the species, their libido wanes and their attentions turn elsewhere. They spend their time nourishing and protecting nature, and on the arts and sciences which include healing. At some point (usually sooner rather than later if they are forced or tricked into a union with a human man), Veela would be compelled to leave the human world and their husbands and sons, taking their daughters with them, if they are still underage and dependent upon them. They will, however, keep a secret watch over their sons. Sometimes, they may, if the union was consensual, visit their husbands too.

Veela are immortal. They could still, however, die of violent physical trauma (although it would be very difficult to kill or even injure one) or literally fade from pain and sorrow, as was the case with all Fey.


"Recorded histories, hidden from human gaze, and oral traditions indicated that all of the Virgineum, including Veela and Nymphs, were initially part of a larger group. But eventually they were splintered off and lost contact with all their kin. Initially, there had been a few males amidst their numbers, but those were now gone now. They are forced to depend upon others for reproduction, typically human males."
— Gabrielle explaining the beginnings of Veela.

Veela have a tragic and often painful history.

They were once part of, and descended from a larger group of Fey, known as the Eldar, also referred to as the Ancient Ones or Ancient High Elves (to distinguish them from their Germanic descendants, the modern-day High Elves). Long before the rise of human civilisations, these flourished and built vast kingdoms and empires in uncharted, unoccupied territories. They were the ones who first taught humans the basic crafts of civilisation, runes and glyphs (thus enabling literacy), poetry, music, the sciences such as astronomy (and navigation), agriculture and irrigation. Although this was not a serious project to them, as they did not undergo this project whole-heartedly and completely, they nonetheless saw potential in humans, and an initial affection began.

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Veela were initially part of a larger group of Fey, until a series of calamities meant that they lost contact with most of them.

However, it was not to last. The events known as Second Sundering and the First and Second Calamities occurred, the latter two leaving a permanent and devastatingly harmful mark upon the Eldar. The First and Second Calamities were described as being 'a terrible darkness' which the modern Fey largely refuse to speak about. It was a taboo subject among the Fey, only spoken of with fear and revulsion as it was the beginning of their perils. Upon encountering the Shadowhunters and their world, Gabrielle speculated that it must have been a Greater Demon, perhaps even the most powerful such as Lucifer, although the written records she uncovered also spoke of a 'Dark Lord'. The 'darkness' threatened to engulf the entire world but were saved by the combined efforts of a few humans (including the magical), various Fey volunteers (who would later evolve into the Curia genus), the Firstborn Nephilim- the offspring and descendants of angels and humans, who were, for a long time, believed to have gone extinct.

They were not safe for long, however; humanity's ambition to dominate and shape the world around them, particularly through conquest, caused hostilities to erupt between both humans and Fey species alike. Humans started claiming more and more territories for their own and taking over or outright destroying the natural world, in order to weaken the Eldar's strength and power, and allow for the rise of their own empires and civilisations. The Eldar were also horrified and disgusted and offended by the savagery of those early human civilisations, such as the violation and enslavement of captives, usually women, and large-scale infanticide.

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As their souls were joined closely to their bodies, all Fey felt the pain physically as well as mentally and emotionally. While this soul-body connection caused them to be immune to diseases and ailments- and even survive and recover from injuries that would otherwise kill a human being- as they were connected to the natural world they felt agony at its destruction, and the amount of death and atrocities they witnessed which also caused them to grieve to their very souls. The remaining Fey began to literally fade- one of the few ways they could be killed. As such, many of them sailed away, supposedly to a mysterious continent named Valinor, Eldamar or Aman, via an island named Tol Eressëa. However, while the majority of the Eldar made it safely to their destination, others became separated due to natural and magical disasters.

Those that became lost upon their journey, were forced to flee and seek refuge, hidden from the human world. They evolved and adapted to survive the new harsh environments. One of which, were the group which evolved into the Virgineum genus. The Veela and Samodiva, alongside their close cousins the Rusalki, and other members of their genus eventually splintered apart from each other and evolved to become their own species, with the Vili and Rusalki migrating to Eastern Europe where the human Slavs would eventually settle.

According to Gabrielle, the Virgineum initially had males in their number, but due to socio-political conflicts, both internal and external, and natural and magical disasters, they were lost. This prompted them to make biological changes to reproduce and continue the species, adjusting their genes to afford for absorbing and transforming human ones. While this had its advantages and kept their species alive, it nonetheless had its drawbacks.

Firstly, only girls could take after their mothers in continuing the species. While this was relatively fail-safe when breeding with Muggles, with wizards such as Antoine Delacour and Apolline's father, the result was a clash of the different magical genes and a 'battle for dominance'. While there seemed to be an initial compromise, the immortal traits usually triumphed in the end- as was the case with Apolline, her daughters and granddaughter Victoire. However, gradually the magical human genes started to re-emerge and assert their dominance. This was the case with Victoire's two younger siblings, Dominique and Louis, all one-eighth Veela. However, it was noted that while Gabrielle, Fleur and their mother, Apolline were initially witches, they would not remain that way, and later, alongside Fleur's eldest daughter Victoire, they would eventually become full-blooded Veela. A rare exception were Gabrielle's daughters, Aglaia and Amara who were Veela-Angel hybrids and carried both traits within them. This is may be because angels- and their offspring, the first-generation Nephilim- are immortal and are mistaken by the Veela's innate magic as being sired by other Fey species; or perhaps because Aglaia and Amara were the first of their kind to have been born and the magical genes did not know how to react.

Secondly, this also resulted in their biological powers of allure (triggered by sexual maturity and the biological instinct to reproduce- which happened at least once a month, unless they unleashed them voluntarily), being seen as 'Dark' by 'those who jumped too quickly'. Gabrielle stated that it was often involuntary, as was the case with younger, more inexperienced Veela. Although the Allure was viewed as ambivalently as Love Potions (with some insisting that they were relatively harmless, only meant to aid along), even in the past where this was the case and Love Potions were legal, Gabrielle noted that they were associated with the same stigma afforded to non-human beings- and desire. Veela and Nymphs, particularly younger individuals, were inexperienced and unable to control their Allure, and this could lead to kidnapping, trafficking and assault. The Rusalka and Samodiva fared better, but only just. Their beauty was said to have driven men insane and women as well.

Their biological instincts also led them to be seen as 'promiscuous' by humans, particularly Muggles. It was a misconception, Gabrielle noted, but their powers were often taken advantage of anyway, and thus they were treated, at times, like animals, or with scorn, mistrust and contempt. Their biological instincts and need to mate and reproduce led them to humans, which was what caused their capture.

They were often trapped by force, and used by men. While wizards often trafficked them, Muggles can forcibly marry Veela by trickery. However, it was noted that their instincts also re-emerged, along with powerful magic. This magic compelled them to take their daughters (but not their sons), and return to their communities. So regardless whether they willingly consented to a union, and regardless whether they wished to stay or not, in the end they would be forced to leave. Muggles in particular, are struck by their beauty and insist upon keeping them with them, despite many a Veela's warnings that eventually they will have to leave and return to nature; in the end they prove that they cannot be dominated and they cannot remain in the human world. However, there were cases of unions between a human and a Veela which were consensual and happy- with the emphasis on the need for un-pressured consent- at least for a time, most notably with Gabrielle's parents Antoine and Apolline, and her brother-in-law and elder sister Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour. Gabrielle eventually settled down and married Andrei Megalos, but he was a first-generation Nephilim, and an immortal like her.

As wizards, at times, have captured and trafficked Veela before, many Veela faded as a result, and the rest grew further hostile to humans, causing them to be further treated as Dark Creatures, animals and monsters. Due to their often frightening powers and supernatural speed, strength and fighting prowess, they were also seen as being dangerous, sadistic or cruel, even when they simply fought from a need to defend themselves. When Hermione Granger asked- alarmed- whether the Veela at the Quidditch World Cup were trafficked, Gabrielle was quick to assure her that no, they came voluntarily out of a mutual, beneficial agreement with the Bulgarian National Quidditch team; Due to the large crowd of potential breeding partners and human hormones rising high, the Veela could find more mating and reproductive opportunities within large, reveling crowds, though they later learned that breeding with wizards continuously over the generations would not be good for continuing the species.

During the turn of the twenty-first century, the Third Calamity occurred. Upon the oncoming release of Lucifer, and the eventual return of the Firstborn Nephilim, the Veela joined forces with the other Fey species. Firstly they aimed to put down the immediate threat, and secondly to drive out the demonic 'taint' and influence in the Curia genus of the Fey, which comprised of the Seelie and Unseelie Court faeries. Thirdly, all the Fey aimed to join their various pocket-dimensions and remaining civilisations together to form the Fey Alliance, a similar organisation as the Muggle/Mundane United Nations or the magical International Confederation of Wizards, in order to rebuild their civilisation and the natural world. They participated in cursing the Clave and the Shadowhunters to be stripped of their powers and exiled to the mundane world, unable to return until they realised their mistakes, redeemed themselves and joined together with the Firstborn Nephilim. This was also done due to the fears they had over the world's future due to the eventual threat of destruction upon the world, and likely, eventual extinction of all beings and beasts, including humanity.

One of their own, Gabrielle Delacour, played a key role in the events that took place and the re-joining of the Fey species. As a result, the Veela and other Fey decided to deal kindly with witches and wizards on behalf of Gabrielle and her friends.
