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Magic is the quintessencial force that permeats the Universe, when used can bypass the laws that affects the universe, however, these changes in the Universe (also known as the "World") are temporary as the World acts against normalizing any effect that changes it. Magic is both the energy and the overall ability to change the World, thus it's use affects the user or Wizard/Caster, both in form of physical exhaustion as well as psychological effects.

Magic could be channelled through a wand, but rings, staffs, stones, and amulets were common tools in other parts of the world. And instead of incantations, one could write, weave, carve, sing, or even dance to focus magic. No words required. After all, magic was intent based. How a person connected to their magic could be deeply personal, or just a reflection of the common practices in their time and culture.


Magic also known as Thaumaturgy is the general term used to refer to the several modern schools of Magic such as Astrology, Kabbalah, Alchemy, and Shinsendou. Divergences can be found among different schools, but the fundamental basis is “to convert Magical Energy inside the user’s body to transform the external world”. The practitioner acts in accord with the system that each school operates under to execute a pre-built program. That “program” is a set of universal rules that interfere with nature once they are enforced. The power that enforces those rules is the magical energy of the wizard and the command to do it is made through the Spellcasting/Ritual Casting. The greater the interference, the greater will be the amount of magical energy consumed.

Thaumaturgical Foundation

Thaumaturgical Foundation  is a "Thaumaturgical Theory"  "engraved" upon the World in the form of scholarship or religion ─ a body of pre-established rules, fomented per the faith of the populace, as a cluster of Magic Formulae, each of which runs an spell (program) written within it when a wizard sends a command through his will to it. In other words, Foundations are necessary for the usage of Magic. Each culture has it's own Thaumaturgical Fundation, so Magic can be equated with cultural elements such as Languages.

The World

The World, is "the reality as we can perceive it". It acts as as a Nomaji's isolated system theory, a closed system of everchanging forces and cause/effects that are partially percibable for the wizards. The World follows basic rules (as understood by the Nomajis) but beneath them, Magic can be used to modify them, but only temporarily, as the everchanging and self-balancing system that the World is, will reject the modification the Wizard is trying to implement eventually actualizing whatever change the Wizard had managed to overwrite in the World. These changes implemented via Magic, will last accordingly to the presence of magical energy to fuel them, as well as the stability of the thaumaturgical fundation used to create them.


The Elements are "phases" in which the World presents itself, as an everchanging, self-balancing system. Depending on the teachings of Magic schools, one could classify each into different sets of Elements. The four classical elements according to the Western tradition are Fire, Water, Earth and Wind, they are said to came from Arche in ancient Greece. Modern wizards adds in the Void (Ether) element. The Oriental philosophies considers that there are the Five Elements, they are Water, Fire, Earth, Wood and Metal.


Numbers are key elements in magic, specially in Arithmancy, creation of magical objects and Warding. Even numbers are considered stability numbers while odds are unstables or dynamic numbers.

1-2 are for basic Circuits not powerful and mostly used for basic learning, 3-4-5-6 are intermediate numbers, widely used for basics and intermediates Circuits the majority of times. 7-8-9 the Golden numbers, the most powerful trio of numbers used for the most powerful Circuits.

  • 0_The Null, cannot be safely used in normal circuitry alone, only as part of an array of double digits or more.
  • 1_The prime, origin point not powerful, the basic unstable bloc.
  • 2_The Twins, the first dynamic couple, act as the most basic Circuit.
  • 3_The Trio, a natural unstable number that creates a perfect stable Circuit, considered Holy because of this.
  • 4_The Base, combining Two twos, the four acts as a powerful stabilizator, simple yet effective.
  • 5_The Star, a Classical dynamic Circuit, considered one of the most reliable numbers.
  • 6_The Hexagram, combining Two Threes this numbers creates a powerfuly stable circuit that mantains two efective Trios, thus the six is considered a basic yet powerful number.
  • 7_The Powerful, Seven is considered the most powerful number as it creates an strong array.
  • 8_The Anchor, Eight is considered the ultimate Even, combining Two fours the Eight becomes the most stable Circuit.
  • 9_The Knot, Nine is a powerful odd number as it combines three Threes creating an stable yet dynamic Circuit.


The Origin is the starting point that defines one's existence and directs one's actions throughout life. The form it can take on at times is that of a human being, and all humans match their actions to be in harmony with the driving force that originated them from the moment they enter into the world. These actions are more along the lines of an inherent compulsion that could be called a person's instinct rather than a conscious decision. If a person becomes awakened to their Origin, it becomes nearly impossible to stray from their Origin if it's even possible in the first place.

Arcane Focus

Arcane Focus are tools designed to be used by wizards, helping them harness their magic and facilitating their casting. Each foci has a diferent ability and capacity related to the caster and casting in question. there are four elements as in the spanish minor arcana set:

Wands Cups Swords Pentacles
Forms Traditional wands, clubs, rods and staves Magical chalices, Cups, Cauldrons "Atames" and "swords" Magic Circles, "Linking-circles", coins, orbs, bracelets and rings
French suit Clubs Hearts Spades Diamonds
Classical Element Fire (or Air) Water Air (or Fire)  Earth
Oriental Elements Wood Water Metal (also Fire) Earth (also Fire)
Characteristics Creativity and will Emotions and love Reason Material body or possessions

Tribal Magic

Non developed societies developed their own form of Magic, this magic is commonly known as "Tribal Magic", and is characterized by the following: Non-Foci casting, Ritual Magic, Blood Magic, Shamanic Traditions, Animagii ritual self-transfigurations, Binding/Cursing and Herbal potioning. These were the founding elements of every culture's Magic, over time however, societies changed and some developed complex systems, philosophies and lenguages, thus, Tribal Magic evolved into Classical Magic, this process however characterized mostly Europe (and the European colonies) and partially Asia. The remaining parts of the world still rely on Tribal Magic with diferent levels regarding it's Particular evolution and complexity. During the early days of mankind, there were few Magic Users, so this form of Magic was fairly underdeveloped and remained an oral tradition passed on by the tribe's shaman. Tribal magic is usually regarded as "slow but lasting"·

Ritual Casting

Ritual Casting is the process of casting Magic using no Arcane focus or using one physically anchored (generally a Magic Circle), through a Ceremony. The process takes time, concentration and hard work to achieve it's intended result, it usually utilizes Magic Circles, Magical symbols and herbs of varied types. This type of Magical casting is common in the whole world, except Europe and Modern América, as these nations rely heavily on latin incantations and wandweaving. This system is commonly used for complex spellcasting, acting as a complement for the tribal wandless Magic in non developed societies. Ritual casting takes longer time and is usually far more complex to perform than wand casting, however, is more stable, and even more powerful on some types of Magic (Warding, Cursing, Conjurations, etc).

The Linking Circle

link, or circle, is the joining together of two or more wizards, holding hands, in order to increase their strength and effectiveness with magical casting to accomplish tasks beyond the ability of the individual wizards and witches. One of the magic users leads, while the others are simply used as conduits. Although the strength of a linked group is not quite as high as the combined individual strengths of its members, the link allows more precise and effective magic than could be produced by an individual. Gender-based limitations heavily influence the formation and structure of a circle. A woman must be the one to start and form the link, though she is able to pass control of it to a man, once she has done so; control of a circle is usually determined by what skills are necessary for the task at hand. The men are absolutely unable to form circles by their own, instead without a man, the maximum number of channelers in exclusively female circles is thirteen. The maximum number of casters is 72. This form of casting uses each member of the Link as combined "Focus", and allows the creation of powerful and lasting magic, this ritual system is slow and requires a great deal of preparation to be used.

Classical Magic


The act of Spellcasting is to invoke Magic through spoken words . Those words acts as channel vessels as well as active commands to initiate the proper "spell", as if "summoning a program".

Types of Magic

  • Abjuration: Warding, defensive Spells, curse breaking. Examples: Protego
  • Transmutation: Transfiguration, Alchemy. Examples: Serpentsortia
  • Conjuration: Conjuration, summoning, teleportation. Examples: Accio, Apparition
  • Evocation: Elemental Magic, simple effect Spells that doesnt create effects afterwards. Examples: Aguamenti
  • Divination: All types of divinations. Examples: Profética sight
  • Charming: Enchantment of physical ítems and or living beings. Effects that manifest temporary or permanently. Examples: Expelliarmus
  • Hexing: Evil enchantment of physical ítems and or living beings. Effects that manifest temporary or permanently as curses. Examples: Aveda Kedavra
  • Illusion: Glamours, illusions, Enchantment of physical ítems and or living beings, to temporary or permanently alter an image or Perception. Examples: Desillusionment charm

Magic through the World


The first humans appeared in África millions of years ago, it took them thousands more to understand Magic. As the tribes grew in size and power wizards also became more powerful, the Modern Magic system taught in most of Africa was based on the Tribal Magic system, but evolved to use written language,Uagadou (the largest african school) have particulary specialized itself in Astronomy, Alchemy and Self-Transfiguration. Wands are primarily a European invention, and although African wizards have adopted them as useful tools, Uagadou students prefer to cast spells simply by Handweaving, which makes them versatile wizards but less powerful and limits their overall spell knowledge.


As the first Tribal Shamans expanded through Asia, not only their Tribal Magic adapted to their enviroment but also to their philosophies and practices, the birth of the first cities, organized religions and societies as well as the arrival of written language, gave birth to a new type of Magic as well as the first recorded "Spells". Mesopotamia, Egypt and the middle/near East cultures put a strong emphasis in "spellcasting", transfiguration/conjuration, Alchemy and Warding. The Far East cultures instead, while developed a strong political/religious sociocultural system, mantained their Tribal approach to Magic while focusing in self-transfiguration (as well as Alchemy), through breathing and Martial Arts, Warding, conjuration and basic elemental evocation. Asia in general prefers the use of Focii of the "Pentagram/Sword types" (Jade rings, Magical Circles, Jians, etc).


The original indo-european settlers that traversed Eurasia were purely knowlegded on the Tribal system, however, with the influence of the near-asian Magical cultures and the advent of the greek Polis and the philosophical thinking, greek wizardry grew and developed to an extremely advanced stage, becoming the basis for Modern Western wizardry. The Greek Magic School, specialized in Spellcasting, use of Foci (particulary Wands and Chalices), elemental evocation, transfiguration and some minor use of conjuration. The greeks developed the schools of Mysteries, secret covens of Wizards devoted to study and orally transmit the knowledge of certain powerful forms of Magic, these are the precursors of the currents Departments of Mysteries. The first effective Wands were developed in the days of the ancient greeks.This Magic School of thought expanded through Asia with the great armies of Alexander the Great, but reached it's peak not by itself, but by Serving as the Grand base of the Roman School of Magic. The Romans begun their Magic work as a Confederation of Tribes evolving towards a proper Magic Society on top of the Roman one. The Romans specialized in whats been called the "interpretatio romana", the cultural trait to adapt into their own culture others' cultures by finding local equivalents and renaming after it. This trait key in the formation of the Roman Expansionism, was also key in the formation of the Roman Magic system: a unified Magic system copying others cultures'magic and renaming them with the Latin language as the base. The German invaders arrived carrying many types of Tribal Magic, but just as the Nomaji german Tribes slowly became vassals of the Romans, so did their Shamans, slowly turning their knowledge towards the Roman Magic. The fall of the Roman Empire heralded the rise of the Germanic Kingdoms, a hybrid of the Roman and germanic cultures, and so the wizarding SPQR relinquished their power to the new Wizarding comunities appearing in Europe.Europe in general prefers the use of Focii of the "Wand/Pentagram types" (Wands, Staves and sometimes Magical Circles).


The original inhabitants of the American continent were all well verse Magic Users of the Tribal system, with the arrival of the European Nomajis/Wizards conflict ensued and the strong european colonization, the Magic system that has rooted in the continent is the "Classical one", particulary the European system. In Latinamerica and mostly in the Azteca Empire, the magic users specialized in Blood Magic, particularing using human sacrificies to fuel wards and offensive curses. America, by the tradition inherited by Europe usually prefers the use of Focii of the "Wand/Pentagram types" (Wands, Staves and sometimes Magical Circles), but Handweaving and other focci are used.


The modern "continent" of Oceania comprises Australia, New Zealand, polinesia and micronesia. The whole area is populated by seafaring aboriginal nations characterized by their use of Tribal Magic, with the arrival of the Europeans (particualry in Australia and New Zealand), the Classical school became one of the most practiced.

Specific Types of Magic


Alchemy (Arabic: al-kīmiyā) is an ancient branch of Magic, and natural philosophy, practiced throughout Europe, Africa, China and throughout Asia, originating in Chinese text, around 73-49 BC and Greco-Roman Egypt in the first few centuries CE. Alchemy is considered a complex Magical discipline and (at least in the western world) combines knowledge from the arts of the "Golden Three": Transfiguration (use of visualisation to change an object into another), Enchantment (use of Advanced spellcasting to achieve more permanent effects) and Potioneering (The use of potion-making as a base for chemical achievements), as well as the "Silver Four": Magical Theory, (To comprehend the working of magic) Arithmancy, Healing magic and Arts and Crafts.

Alchemists work purifying, maturing, and perfecting certain materials (almost always inorganical ones such as Metals), because of this many alchemists sidework as recognized artisans as well, while others seclude themselves on personal Spiritual and philosophical journeys. Alchemist are known for the practice of Chrysopoeia, the transmutation of "base metals" (e.g., lead) into "noble metals" which is highly regulated by the Wizarding governments, the manufacturing of Panaceas able to cure many diseases and the development of alkahest, an universal solvent, alchemists thus are sought for in High demand. One of the original goals of Alchemy (still sought for in many Places such as Asia) was to found the way to Immortality, such endevour however has become asociated with dark Magic on the Western world, another Forbidden endevour is the creation of Takwin also known as Homunculi (it is said House elves are the product of this).

Islamic and European alchemists developed a structure of basic laboratory techniques, theory, terminology, and experimental method that are still in use today, such as the use of the four clasical elements and Astrological correspondences. Alchemy is one of the most Arcane and secretive forms of Magic, because of that, alchemists guard their work in secrecy using cyphers and cryptic symbolism.

There are three Major branches of Alchemy, the Chinese alchemy, centered in Continental China, and spread around asia, the Indian alchemy, centered in the Indian subcontinent and spread over south-east asia (many times a combination of Indian and Chinese schools) and the Mediterranean Alchemy which combines Greek-egyptian, islamic and later European traditions.

The Main current of Alchemy in use on the Western wizarding world is the "Hermetic Principle" based on the Mediterranean school. It is customary for alchemists (specially those of the Mediterranean tradition) to use an artistic name when making their work.

Mind Magic

Mind magic, also known as Mental Arts is the practice of using magic with a great focus in the mind process. It's populary known as a way to "read" the minds of living creatures. If used offensively is known as Legilimency, if used defensively is called Occlumency. Mental Magic is considered one the hardest and sometimes "esoteric" disciplines as it involves control over something as powerful and fearful as the Human Mind. Due to the ethical implicances of "reading a mind", specially if the victim is unaware or uncooperative, mind mnagic is considered a taboo or dark art in the majority of nations (Legilimency more than Occlumency) even if their governments use specialist on these arts. While the practice is worldwide, and the origin of this practice is unknown, the greatest masters of Mental Magic are the Buddhist Practicians in Asia, mostly Occlumency based. Wandless Magic is considered a branch of this type of magic.

Soul Magic

A soul does not have strength by itself. It is the essence of the wizard. The body has strength, magic has power, mind has its intellect and will, but the soul is little more than a reflection. A wizard dies if his soul's link to his body is severed, and souls can be used as the basis of magic, but their action is passive. A soul exists and changes, nothing more. Soul Magic was heavily practiced in the Ancient Egypt where most of the current knowledge derives from, including the feared and viled Killing Curse a Soul severing spell (therefore killing the victim). Soul binding is considered an extremely complex and dangerous pursuit, and as it lead to misuse easily has been catalogued as a Dark Art in many countries, even if can be used for other good purposes such as the Fidelius charm. Another infamous example of this type of Magic is the Horcrux .

Blood Magic

Blood Magic, also known as Red Magic, is an ancient form of Magic, some say perhaps the oldest, as it's quite lingered to the first Tribal approach at Magic, as the original Shamans used it having no further source of Magic but their own (and their sacrificial) blood. The use of Blood Magic in animal and Human sacrificies, is the reason why it's currently frowned upon in the Western world and therefore within the uper circles of the ICW. Blood Magic utilizes the Blood both as a channel as an Energy source, it leds itself easily to many types of Magic and it's Main ability relies in it's versatility, regardless if it's donated by the caster ir taken from a sacrificial victim. Blood also carries history, the so called "Lineages" can bring strenght to the Blood, Therefore if the Blood sample comes from a family dedicated to an specific type of Magic, the sample will be strongly attuned to that type. Warding is another strong use of Blood Magic, as long as the sample comes from people strongly conected to the place being warded. Finally, curses are well suited to Blood Magic, specially those designed to afflict Lineages. Blood Magic used to be strongly practiced in the pre-christian Europe and America, having faded now, are still practiced even if in secret. 

Blood Magic while properly considered as "Tribal", evolved to be used by the "Classical" type users, however, this type tends to be considered as "Dark" (mostly in Europe and Latin America) as it lends easily towards curses, an infamous example of this type of Magic is the Dark Mark , but Blood Magic can also be used for warding and protection like the case of the Ancient Roman Clan Protection Spell

Summoning Magic

Summoning Magicraft is a form of magicraft recognized as dangerous and unstable but quite powerful and versatile. Appearing in the sumerian days and quite developed in the Middle East, this practice is currently deemed Dark Magic by the grand majority of the wizarding nations and is only practiced by few wizards around the world, mostly those in the Middle East, but even them work under great supervision of their governments. سِحْرجن‎ (jinn-sihr, English: Djinn Magicraft) is the name of the Summoning Craft as his practiced in the grand majority of the Middle-East. Summoning is a complex magical art that combines Legilimency, Occlumency, Warding, Binding, Blood Magic, Soul Magic and advanced ritual magical programming. It is said that the Wizard-King Solomon was the greatest master of this art.

The Summoning magicraft is based around communicating with non-human creatures known as "Familiars" (these are animals, magical beasts and spirits) to gain knowledge, issue orders or establish binding pacts with them. This type of magic craft is heavily ritualistic in nature. The difficulty for this communication relies on the complexity of the "familiar" contacted. Binding Pacts are based on an unique form of Warding craft that utilizes Blood/Soul Magic to creates a pact between the Caster and the Familiar, in the shape of a Tattoo or mark on the Caster's skin. These pacts however are complex and dangerous if not properly written and managed. Comunication is an easy task once the caster has developed the skill, binding the Familiar is also as well, as long as the creature is a regular beast, but magical ones and spiritual ones are exceedenly tricky as their sentience and power level, makes them almost imposible to control and even dangerous as their intentions and agency is unknown to the Caster, making a pact a dangerous affair.

Animal Familiars

Communication with regular beasts is considered a simple affair by a regular practioner, however, as regular creatures lack complex comunication systems and complex memory recalling abilities, this communication is limited to immediate information conveyed on a very basic level. This however also grants the caster an easier ground for practicing legilimency and mind control, this process is known in Summoning as Tarwid (Arabic: ترويض, English: Taming). because of this, beasts are commonly used to develop Summoning skills, but also to be used as messengers and spies, as an advanced practicioner can even convert their familiars into their own mobile "eyes and ears". Regular animals lack strong willpower so binding them is an easy affair and is also this the reason why practicioners usually begin binding animals. Some practicioners with stronger affinity towards certain types of creatures have developed their own complex "communication interface" with those creatures they are accostumed to, these interfaces if blood binded can be inherited, an example of this is the Parseltongue.

Magical beasts Familiars

Communication with magical beast is usually easier even that with non-magical ones as this creatures already have a steady flow on magical energy, as well as improved sentience. While the communication is easier and more "intituive", it's equally low level in nature as only the strongest magical beasts has advanced enough skills to mantain complex thoughts. This creatures however are harder to Bind into a pact, as their magical flow and improved sentience makes them harder to "tame". Depending on their level can be bind as useful familiars (specially if taking into account of their magical skills) but more advanced beasts such as Dragons and Chimeras, for instance, are imposible to tame, so any potential pact would have to necessary be a two way pact, with obligations for the caster as well, this makes it quite burdening and riskier to perform.

Spiritual Familiars

Spirits are a type of magical creature characterized for being more present in the "Aetherial" plane than in the physical, but being also present in the latter as well. Spirits are notoriously harder to grasp and communication can be considered from easy (Ghosts) to nearly impossible (Angels), because they don't possess "brains" nor tought patterns that any humanoid caster can possibly understand, therefore, while communication might happen, understanding such messages can be truly a miracle. Spirits are creatures of pure Magic and Will, so "taming" them is an impossible task, instead Summoners prefer using them as "Divination aides" and in some specific cases, to bind two-way pacts, the most "easier" spirit for this is the Djinn. Binding spirits into a pact is however an extremely difficult process reserved only to the most experienced practicioners, and even then the risk of failure and death are high. Many Dark Wizards choose to bind their own souls to Dark Spiritual Forces such as Demons or Dementors, in exchange of greater power, however this is a Taboo practice.


Necromancy is described as the practice of summoning magic involving communication with the dead – either by summoning their spirits as apparitions, visions or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events, discover hidden knowledge, to bring someone back from the dead, or to use the dead as a weapon. Sometimes referred to as "Death Magic", it is considered a Taboo and a Dark Art heavily frowned upon. Necromancy as is known on the Western Wizarding world, was developed in the early days of civilization alongside the summoning skills, specially in Babylonia, in the early days of the indo-european tribes was practiced within the Shamanic ritual Magic of those days. As civilization grew, Necromancy improved mainly in Egypt, later being practiced as well within some Greek Wizarding "Mystery Cults". Roman necromancy was considered a taboo therefore was practiced in secret only. Middle Ages saw the revival of the art of Djinn-sihr (summoning) in the muslim Wizarding world, Europe learned from them and later practiced similary, European Necromancy as is modernly practiced was developed from the middle-eastern Djinn-sihr and the Roman tradition during the 10th Century. Necromancy however is usually used for dark wizards, therefore is widely considered a Dark Art and as such it's practice is punishable by law in almost every country. Western Necromancy is exclusively specializated around the creation of Spiritual Familiars using recenty deceased living beings, for the use of divination and also the embodiment of non living entities to be used as servants and weapons. Infamous examples of this are the Caribbean Zombies and the European Inferi.


Warding is a topographic type of Thaumaturgy that consists in knitting a network of magical energy and spreading it on base area (also known as Warded Area, Bounded Field, Magical Barrier and/or Protective enchantment), such as a piece of land or a building, to create a magical boundary line that separates the inside from the outside. By definition, it should not be possible to move them once they are set. Once constructed, the established boundary line will delimit the range of the powers of the Warded area, but it is possible to engrave magic sigils across the interior of the field to expand the area of effect and strengthen it. Removal of the sigils by a third party is possible as long as the technique used to engrave them isn’t too advanced, in this case, it is only possible to temporarily hinder the Warding area by dissipating the magical energy used to activate it (this is called a "Brute Force attack" which is used to drain the wards at an extremely high cost of energy and a dangerous technique as well), but the creator of the area can amend this by simply putting more magical energy back into it. As their original purpose was for the creation of safe havens or protection of similar places, the effects that can be set within a Warded areas are in their majority those whose aim is to protect the caster and it's Laboratory or Hoard. Arithmancy and Enchantment are considered the key branches of Thaumaturgy required to dominate this skill (followed by knowledge of diferent types of Runes and Glyphs), as warding is an advanced form of casting based on complex mathematical formula and calculations. Warding as a magical practice is among the oldest forms of Magic, being known to be present since the Sumerian and Ancient Egyptian days as well as Ancient China. This type of Magic is present in every wizarding nation and has been strongly and uniquely improved by each culture.

The most basic form of Warding is a simple "warding spell" (such as Salvio Hexia and The Muggle-Repelling Charm), which are spells casted upon small areas or objects to protect them or the Caster, these are relatively easier to cast (although might be time consuming) but must be refreshed on a time base or will fall apart, they are the easiest to break once detected. An intermediate level of Warding, can be achieved by knitting the magic to an specific area utilizing it's specific features while linking the magic with a central "Keystone" also known as "Control Rune" (a physical item linking the magic to the place and used to power the ward) and later adding further effects and power with other runes. The most advanced level of Warding is an extended version of the intermediate level, a central Keystone powering a fully knitted topographical area accompanied by secondary Keystones acting as backups, and further linked to many runes controlling layered effects to confound, deceive and harm the intruders, these Warde Areas can be vast in size and draw further power from Leylines. An ideal Warded area is one that cannot be detected by anybody (also known as Unplottable). On the other hand, a Warded area that can be easily noticed is seen as the mark of a third-rate Caster.
