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This article was written by Luna Estela.
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Hogwarts defence1

Hogwarts Castle was defended by magic: the Protego Maxima, during the Battle of Hogwarts.

"If I were to ask you, what is magic- what would your answer be? So many people believe that they know and understand magic, that they even possess it. And even then, they would say that it comes from the tips of their wands alone, and they are completely helpless without it. Yet none of this is true. We do not even possess magic literally- merely the ability to use it. Where does it come from? How does it differ from being to being; from being to beast; why do some possess magical ability, but others do not? Has anyone truly ever asked any of these questions and tried to find out, or do you just take what you have for granted?"
— Gabrielle Delacour in her book, The Secret History of Magic; The Nature of Magic.

Magic is a supernatural force, in which some individuals possess the ability to manipulate in various ways and to varying extents and degrees for their own purposes.

While magic is used to seemingly defy the laws of nature, Gabrielle Delacour noted that this is not necessarily true; as it is seen merely from an antiquated or misunderstanding Muggle's perspective; as well as the views of wizards and witches who live, due to the ease afforded by the large presence of magic, with limited technology and innovation, and thus do not seek to question its precise workings nor science involved.

Magic itself has a system of laws, no matter what branch of magic used and which species of being or beast the wielder is. For example, according to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration: a wielder cannot simply create food out of thin air; they could only summon it if they knew where it is, prepare it, increase the quantity and transform it, but not conjure it out of nothing. In fact, food cannot even be consumed if it has been transformed from something else, as the results would not actually be edible and while it may not kill the consumer, may make them ill. While magic can alter the fabric of reality and bend, or "find loopholes", within the rules of nature, it still has strict limits. Most notably, the dead cannot be truly resurrected and Love Potions do not actually create True Love, but cause a powerful infatuation and passion to manifest within the drinker which; and infatuations- even naturally induced ones- are easily and often mistaken for love.

Also, while the basic concept of magic may be simple, even easy for children are able to do them; there exists the potential for misuse, the risks of breaching the International Statute of Secrecy (the international law of magic which firmly insist on all magical-kind being kept hidden out of fear of Muggle persecution) are always present. Add to this the lure of the "Dark Arts" or Dark Magic, which draws and corrupts with its promise of power- although Nina Devanova's mother insists that the promises are not only false, they come at too high a price from the user. Thus, within magic lies the very real potential of great danger, even amongst casters.

Origins and Progression[]

Stone Age Magic[]

"The early humans consisted of more than one species, all descended and evolving from a common ancestor. But out of all of them, only one survives to this day. The rest fell to extinction. However, it is likely that magic may have played a role in this struggle for survival, even with the case of the competition between these species to dominate and thrive in such an incredibly wild and harsh landscape. It is uncertain, however, on how major or minor the role of magic played."
— Gabrielle Delacour in The Secret History of Magic.

Magic itself has obscure origins. Gabrielle noted that in the Abrahamic tradition (practiced by Jewish, Christian and Muslim believers), God was said to have granted Adam the ability to use magic in the Apocrypha. The Nephilim- offspring of humans and angels- were also said to have taught mankind the ability to wield and control it. This is contrary to what many Muggles/No-Majs (despite their professions of the Christian, Jewish or Muslim creed) believe: that witches and wizards acquired supernatural ability via a deal with malevolent supernatural forces, that is, the devil and other demonic entities (although Gabrielle Delacour hinted that some may have turned to the Dark Arts in similar manners, due to the myth of Lilith); promising service or breeding in return for greater power. Gabrielle noted this- and the fact that Augustine of Hippo, a Christian saint, believed in the connection between numbers and everything in the universe called Arithmancy, which would later be banned by them by its association with witchcraft. However, Gabrielle refuted the fact that Muggle persecution of magical-kind began with Christianity or any other religion, as it was "merely a banner-head" in the conflict between what was initially the old ways (which revered and respected magic-users) and the new ones. However, while magic was not anti-Christianity or any other monotheistic religion, or vice versa, most modern magic-users did not understand the concept of religion in general, completely unlike their ancient ancestors and predecessors (although some like the Hufflepuff Ghost, the Fat Friar, did join a religion).

The origins of beings and beasts gaining this ability can be traced as far back to the Paleolithic Stone Age, roughly 2.5 million years ago, to 10,000 B.C (or B.C.E). There, it was noted that out of the various human species (who were all descended and evolved from a common ancestor), only one species predominated in which magic itself thrived: the Homo Sapiens, ancestors of modern-day humans. While Gabrielle noted that it was possible, even likely, for other species of early humans, such as Neanderthals, to have some individuals born with magical ability- which was eventually proven, the magical genes in humans had yet to develop to what it was today, and thus they were rudimentary in weak. Within Homo Sapiens, whose genome was considered elastic and easily adaptable, it gradually transformed into a dominant trait. However, magical ability within other human species never advanced due to, for some reason, the inability of the magical genes to fully develop within them. Gabrielle noted that while this may not have been the exact cause of their extinction (of which there were multiple theories as to why they became extinct) and that they may have gone extinct before the genes had time to develop and evolve further within them, it would have certainly given the Homo Sapiens a keener edge in the competition to obtain the best chances of survival in such a harsh, extreme climate. For some reason, the presence of magic seemed to thrive better within the ancestors of modern humans.

Gabrielle had examined the DNA of early human species, and gauged which possessed the set of genes crucial for the ability to use and wield magic, and how they differed from modern humans' magical genes. Even in the early Homo Sapiens, the genes were largely undeveloped and thus capable of nothing more than rudimentary magic by comparison, upon closer examination upon different fossils of the same species who lived and died in different decades, she had noted a significant difference: the genes began to develop and grow in strength and power and multiplied, so much so that the ability to use magic which was passed onto by these genes from parent to child, grew increasingly dominant with magical-and-non-magical couples more likely to produce magical offspring. However, it was still limited to certain humans with rudimentary powers, and thus, nowhere near the extent of the power afforded by today's witches and wizards. Nevertheless, this led to a slight increase of Homo Sapiens with magical ability, even if they were still not actually aware of the powers they possessed (which especially to modern humans, were weak and minimal, and therefore it was even more likely that most went their entire lives without ever knowing that they possessed magic). Thus, in the vastly competitive world of the first humans who often fought and competed with one another with what little they had in the struggle to survive within an extreme climate, the larger presence of magic within the Homo Sapiens ranks would have given them a keener edge than the other human species.

Neanderthal figures 1

Muggle wax recreations of Neanderthal life in a Museum Exhibit.

Gabrielle was unable to deduce just how much a key role magic played, while not being solely responsible, in the extinction of these other species. This was difficult as during this era, human magic was weak, easily overlooked and thus they would have believed other supernatural entities were responsible, or perhaps they guessed that by concentrating their willpower and emotional intent into certain items such as weapons, they became effective, but were unable to realise that not everyone possessed this gift; magic cannot be cast by mere chanting or even wand-waving.

Having discovered the early beginnings of the magical genes within the DNA of other human species, Gabrielle also noted that magic may have started to develop later within them than in their Homo Sapiens cousins- too late and too weak to aid them in their struggle for survival, despite having lived for so long. It was also incredibly rare to spot magic from any human species other than Homo Sapiens. Gabrielle reflected that it was a "one-in-a-thousand chance" or similar of finding traces of Neanderthal or Denisovan magic, and even then, they were less defined and much more difficult to spot than the Homo Sapiens magic. In fact, according to her and the rare traces of magic intact within these items, the magic these species concentrated in tools, weapons, and other items with their sheer willpower and emotional intent alone, tended to "unravel", which meant that any evidence was not only difficult to spot, it could have vanished. As a result, it was even more difficult to tell just how much magic thrived within them and how common it was, even if it was indeed common to have magical-humans born amongst them. Gabrielle also noted the large presence of Neanderthal and other human species' remains, located around Nexus Sources exceeded even those of the Homo Sapiens. So perhaps the power of the Nexus was too lethal, and for some reason, they were less able to withstand it. It was possible that they discovered and came into contact with Nexus Sources much later than their Homo Sapiens cousins, thus they had little time to adapt and evolve, unable to withstand the shock of what it did to their physical bodies.

The Homo Sapiens would have had plenty of other weapons, apart from their weak magic, if they ever came into contact and conflict with them, giving them further advantage. Given enough time, Gabrielle believed that it was likely that if none of these species had gone extinct, they may have stood a likely chance of being able to evolve and develop these genes further, resulting in magical descendants- or else it would have faded, unravelling much like their magic had done within their items. However, for reasons still undiscovered and much-debated upon, these various human species did become extinct, although traces of their DNA, could be found in many humans, most notably those of the Neanderthals' who interbred with other humans, except for Africans.

Paleolithic Blade 1

A stone blade made and used during the Paleolithic Era.

Gabrielle had deduced all this, upon discovering evidence of early artwork and tools from the Paleolithic made by these humans who had not yet discovered how to work metal. These early stone blades, crudely hacked, "knapped" and chipped to sharpened points, using increasingly complex methods over time, to form spear and arrow-heads, knives and daggers, of which some bore traces of magic. As did early stone figures carved by them, which Muggle archaeologists believed were the beginnings of polytheistic religion. While that may have been the case, Gabrielle noted that early humans would have likely seen them as talismans first and foremost. Perhaps these images resembling humanoid figures came to them in dreams or hallucinations brought on by toxins and extreme temperatures and conditions, which they interpreted as having signs of the supernatural, and thus they carved them out of stone. In such cases as they survived, or did not, depending, that these believed beings had the ability to grant wishes or cause death unless placated. So they carved these images out of stone as representations, and in the process, Gabrielle believed that the early humans "willed" special properties onto the results, such as fertility, safety and the ability to find shelter and food. This was because, as modern witches and wizards knew, magic first manifests itself tied to the emotions and intent of witches and wizards, particularly noted among young children. If a child was scared, their magic, compelled by their emotions, would will it to be spirited to safety- which resulted in them being literally flown or floated away or landing softly from a potentially hard fall, for example. Thus, the early humans would have willed special properties into these items themselves through their intent, unaware that they possessed any ability themselves, which was further reinforced by their belief that these items had special properties or the ability to grant certain wishes- or prayers, in the case of the stone figurines. They were still weak in comparison to modern magic, therefore not infallible, but present nonetheless. The weapons were intended to stay sharp longer and to remain strong; as well as to never miss their mark and be lethal in hunting and warfare. Tools were meant to be as useful, strong, long-lasting and effective as possible.

Lascaux Cave Paintings

Prehistoric Cave Paintings found in Lascaux, France.

While initially, Gabrielle did not believe that the early humans would have known about their abilities, and while it remains unknown when they discovered they had them, even then it was almost completely certain that they would have found difficulty in discerning which person had magic and which one did not. However, she noted that there may have been ritualised chants and ceremonies, in order to focus and concentrate all their will and energy into making them magical, or "bringing them to life" in the eyes of the early humans. Meaning that perhaps they believed that they were all capable of magic. She also discovered traces of the first rudimentary magical wards, with some even intact in places, within caves such as where the first humans decorated walls with paintings of the history of their community and everything they did and encountered. These were considered sacred sites, and Gabrielle noted that the early wards were not just present around the caves in which the first humans lived (with Homo Sapiens wards noticeably stronger and longer-lasting than that of other human species'); they were there in burial sites. These, she deduced, served to protect the bodies of the deceased from the weather elements and desecration, whether by peoples of ill intent or animals. However, while traces were still intact, she noted that in others, they were crumbling and fading into nothing, and were thus partially effective throughout the millennia.

As all early Stone Age magic was rudimentary and weak; it was also largely under-developed as well, as if there were any ritualised chants that they used to concentrate their magic upon sites and items using willpower and intent, they had yet to develop and progress into something more defined and refined. Gabrielle connected this with the fact that the magical genes in early humans, despite their comparative number and strength in the Homo Sapiens species and the ancestors of magical beasts, while still under-developed and weak, progressed much faster than the evolution of any animal which lacked magic. This meant that by the Neolithic or New Stone Age, which succeeded the Mesolithic which in turn succeeded the Paleolithic, magic had largely developed to an art form with people of magical ability singled out within society, as noted by the presence of druids by the Neolithic era.

Gabrielle was able to detect the presence of magic, as many experienced and knowledgeable witches and wizards did, and thus identified various magical signatures belonging to various human species, the ancestors of modern-day non-human beings, and magical animals. To her they were as distinct from one another as fingerprints, and she could easily tell who or what cast magic and of what kind. The remains of Stone Age magic found, she claimed, were as evident as one of their stone blades. It was crude, the outline not as defined and refined with the techniques of later times. Yet it was so obviously a stone blade with the purpose of killing and hunting, just as the purpose of the magic present and the intent of its caster.

Druid Ritual Magic[]

"After the Paleolithic and the Mesolithic, came the Neolithic. It was here that we see the first druids emerge in Gaul and Britannia, now modern-day France and Britain."
— Gabrielle on the emergence and power of druids.

An Irish Druid depicted with his followers. The Neolithic saw the rise of similar figures of magical power and ability within early society.

At first, there were little to no clear differences between those born with magical ability, and those without, even when they recognised their ability to bend the laws of nature. Muggle and Magical were a long way from seceding from one another, but the first step, Gabrielle claimed, was the realisation that some individuals within a community were special: they could foresee the future, enable good- and bad- things to happen, such as a good harvest, healing, fertility, healthier flocks and weather. She speculated that along the lines of the mid-to-late Paleolithic to the middle Mesolithic eras, this special ability was traced back to certain humans within nomadic hunter-gatherer communities, rather than their tools and talismans, as its source. During the Mesolithic, the hunter-gatherers looked to and relied upon the advice of certain shamanic figures, believed to be the early versions of druid(esses)s, seeresses and volkhov(a)s in later societies.

During the Mesolithic era- which succeeded the Paleolithic and preceded the Neolithic- the hunter-gatherers' tools, weapons and talismans showed signs of slightly more-developed magic, although they did not rely upon magic to the same extent as later witches and wizards during and after the Dark Ages. Gabrielle discovered the presences of more complex defensive charms and wards around weapons, talismans and treasures including artwork carved onto bone, which she suspected may have been treated as family heirlooms, along with burial sites. The last Mesolithic hunter-gatherer communities came into contact with the Neolithic farmers who grew and domesticated their food. This caused a conflict of ideals, beliefs, and values, along with a desire for territories and the ever-present competition to ensure the best chances of survival. The last Mesolithic hunters erected a monument of stones, possibly in memory of their ancestors, fallen warriors and any who preceded them in Brittany, France. It was also believed to be in defiance to the Neolithic farmers' beliefs of their own superiority; perhaps acknowledging that they were in the twilight of their days, but nonetheless, placing their mark in history.

During the Mesolithic, she stated, as was typical of prehistoric Stone Age cultures, they had no established traditions, including: rites of passage, marriage, naming ceremonies, funerals and ritual magic- which was the oldest known magic to humankind- that could be passed down throughout the generations. However, the Mesolithic peoples were believed to have been where it all started to emerge and come together. While these rituals are largely unknown and undiscovered, they were rudimentary but more developed- and therefore stronger- than their Paleolithic predecessors. Mesolithic wards and spells lasted longer and, while still not infallible, were more effective, less-breakable and more fail-safe than anything in the Paleolithic Era.

However, it was during the early Neolithic and the late Mesolithic that all of this started to grow increasingly more advanced, signalling the beginning of established ritual magic. Even the last Mesolithic nomadic hunter-gatherers not only developed, but exchanged ideas and traded with the Neolithic communities who had begun settling in permanent structures, farming crops and domesticating animals. In parts of the world, including Western Europe, the Neolithic Era saw the emergence of druids and other shamanic figures, as well as the first established ritualised magic. These noted magic-users were distinct from their Muggle counterparts, but functioned similarly to public servants and clergy of the supernatural, throughout the world.

Example: the druids (and druidesses) who played a key role at the heart of Neolithic, Western European society. Although humans had yet to invent writing by this era, Gabrielle connected this by comparing Neolithic artwork, depicting druids, to later ones depicting the legendary Merlin and Cliodna who lived during the Dark and perhaps Early Middle Ages where there were literary accounts to confirm (no matter how minimal). These early mages played a vital role at the heart of Neolithic culture and society, and were thus looked upon with awe and respect by the Muggles, for even chieftains respected and listened to their advice, especially during times of conflict and famine. They were relied upon as the beating heart or soul of Neolithic society, and as the most iconic figures.

"However, the seeds of fear and envy would be sown much later. The druids were respected and revered either as deities or the mouthpieces of deities. But they lived in a time where competition was fierce when it came to obtaining the best chances of survival: better pastures and forests for farming or hunting and gathering, better places to defend themselves from invaders, coastal areas where fishing, travel- and therefore- trade- was more accessible. It wasn't a matter of acquiring wealth- at first. But acquiring the best chances of surviving and thriving in a wild, harsh environment."
— Gabrielle

Each community likely possessed a druid-like shaman or some wielder of magic and foresight. He or she likely was not the only one, but had teams of helpers and followers, apprentices perhaps. When tribal communities conquered others to prevent them from regrouping, taking back territories and seeking revenge, they tended to kill the leaders first. A druid with mystical abilities would have been seen as a serious threat if he or she did refused to submit and serve the conquerors- even more so than a chieftain and his sons, due to their powers and supposed connections to higher powers. The wives and daughters of such male figures were likely enslaved or forcibly married, as the conquerors likely believed they could intimidate female magic-users into obeying them. This signalled the emergence of the established Muggle belief that men were more important and useful than women- although Gabrielle pointed out it was likely to have begun to emerge before. It also sent shock-waves: if someone as powerful as a druid could be killed, this could be the death of their community as they had no access to supernatural forces that could protect and ensure their prosperity- however to the superstitious Muggle conquerors, this could mean that they would bring the wrath of such higher powers upon them, which was why they likely competed amongst themselves to possessing the most powerful magic-users.

During alternating times of peace and war, various druids from different communities either traded ideas (although they did not always meet their counterparts outright, but sent messengers instead) and sacrificed their rivals, existing or potential, to ensure their survival and success. As they had the ability to advise chieftains and war leaders, one could imagine just how much power and paranoia influenced their decisions, as well as the genuine desire to achieve good for their peoples.

Another reason for the killing of a druid being so alarming was the fact that someone as powerful as a druid can be killed by another druid, or someone of similar abilities, who was possibly more terrifying. Even within these societies themselves, druids like all leaders could be easily supplanted in an internal coup of leadership. The various new leaders, foreign or domestic, sought to obtain greater power by controlling the established druids or eliminating them as threats. To the ordinary Muggles, this demonstrated that someone as powerful and seemingly invincible and wise as a druid could be defeated by someone else more powerful and thus, it must have unnerved them, Gabrielle reflected. Especially since these were considered mouthpieces and messengers of the supernatural and divine by these Muggles.

Gabrielle discovered traces of magic in the remains of human sacrificial victims tossed into the bogs of Ireland and Britain. Many of these must have been high-status individuals, as they were all well-fed (judging by the contents of their stomach prior to their deaths), and meticulously groomed. One corpse from Ireland, who had been short, styled his hair with a form of early hair gel consisting of vegetable plant oil and resin from pine trees found in Southern France and Northern Spain- indicating imported goods, most likely costly and difficult to obtain. Another man who was uncommonly tall, had incredibly well-manicured fingernails. There were no calluses in his hands, Gabrielle noted. This meant that he was not a farmer or labourer (as manual magic was certainly not yet invented), but even if he owned land he likely had his food and other needs brought to him. The men wore jewellery, including torques and amulets with symbols that had the presence of early magic, although ritual magic had yet to invent and include runic magic, or at least it was beginning to arrive in Britain and Ireland, but were incredibly basic. Nevertheless, they were beginning to create symbols on their own- unless they received them elsewhere, Gabrielle admitted. If the sacrificial victims were not druids themselves, Gabrielle noted that they may have been related to them, although it was unknown whether druids then married and had children. Many of these bodies, particularly the males, showed signs of violent traumas upon their deaths, such as mutilation, in contrast to the women. This suggested that they were either considered a greater threat because of their physical strength, or more likely, their magic.

While the Neolithic peoples practiced human sacrifice to appease supernatural powers, including with the ominous Wicker Man of the Celts and the dumping of sacrificial bodies into peat bogs, Gabrielle saw that not everyone who were sacrificed had magic. However, a few noteworthy ones, who were well-fed and groomed not only during their entire lives but up until the last minute, seemed to stand out. The advantages of being a woman in a misogynistic society, even a female magic-user, was that they were considered less of a threat than the men. Even then, there seemed to be a sense of reverence and respect, most likely due to women's fertility being connected to the fertility of the land and nature, and therefore, they were considered sacred, even divine in the eyes of these peoples- at least if they possessed magic and a supposed connection to the supernatural. A druidess was seen as, while not exhibiting any form of political or military leadership, as sacred and out-of-bounds. Most Neolithic conquerors feared the consequences of harming a druidess more than they did a rival druid, especially as this would cause rebellion and dissent amidst their own ranks.

Nevertheless, despite these struggles for power and survival, and conflicting views, the druids persisted at the heart of Celtic society, just as other societies further to the east, south, north and west had their own shamanic figures. In fact, evidence of such persons of magical power were evident everywhere across the globe, as many of them were relied upon by their communities for important roles including: officiating marriages, naming ceremonies, funerary rites (particularly of chieftains and their family members); but also in times of war they were called upon to predict the outcomes of battles and the best way to proceed towards victory- or if defeat was inevitable, chances of survival. As such many of these Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age communities were in awe, revered and fiercely guarded these shamanic figures, the Neolithic also gave rise to established religions with these mages being considered priests or deities (depending on how powerful they were and/or how superstitious the Muggles were). However, with the rise of increasingly advanced civilisations further south seeking to conquer and dominate, came not mere rival mages, but conflicts of ideology which would then seek to eliminate any persons of power- including mages that played a vital role in protecting and advising these early societies.

"Ideas quickly spread like wildfire. You see, once Muggles started to see and believe that there were others more powerful, wealthier and stronger, more fearsome they could have very well tried to turn to these various different peoples; the most notable being the Roman invaders during the late Classical period. These don't rely on druids- although they had their own Augurs, and the Greeks their Oracles. It was a battle for power and domination- and in the case of the outnumbered, outclassed side- survival."
— Gabrielle

According to Gabrielle, since the druids were the heart of Celtic society, and represented and led by tradition as well as their impressive feats, they were in turn challenged; first by foreign invaders, then by their own followers. In the late Classical era, the Romans were notorious xenophobes and looked down upon various peoples from the British Celts, the Gauls, the Slavs and (most infamously) the Germanic tribes, and even the great civilisations of the east, as being barbaric and inferior to them. They nevertheless expanded their empire in search for territory and wealth and thus, came into conflict with the native peoples there, some of whom were decimated to the point of extinction and/or taken into slavery (like the Teuton tribe). The Romans had little regard for the traditions and cultures of "barbarians" which drove many native peoples to retreat further into their society, and relied more upon shamanic figures such as druids and other leaders to protect them. Over time, however, even the militant Romans realised that they could not drive every native culture and tribe into extinction through war alone.

So instead, they traded ideas, gave the others opportunities to learn from them, to be friends and allies, gain further and better opportunities for survival and prosperity, even by assimilating into their culture, and protections from themselves and rival tribes (the Romans often played these native tribes against each other in a power-play, in order to avoid any form of unity that could resist their invading force).

This, a pattern in many invasions, caused the assimilation of many cultures, and languages to go extinct. Some saw better opportunities on their own account and decided to live the Roman way, or the way of any other invader, whereas others resisted. However, even the Romans were also deeply superstitious, arguably even more superstitious than the ones they conquered. While the Greeks relied upon the advice of their Oracles (particularly the one in Delphi), the Romans had numerous augurs who foretold the future for them- and other methods. Roman emperors and military commanders would not take action in so much as a visit to a nearby friend, for example, if birds did not arrive where seeds had been tossed, which was supposedly a sign of good fortune and that they should proceed. Once, a naval commander named Publius Claudius Pulcher once waited on board a war galley to see if "sacred" chickens would eat, which was a sign of good fortune for the coming battle. When they refused, he kicked them overboard in anger, stating that they would prefer to drink instead. Later, he suffered a military defeat which was blamed upon his poor treatment of the chickens.

The Romans may not have held the same beliefs or high regard for anything considered sacred by other cultures and peoples, but they were incredibly superstitious- and more importantly, aware of the powers of such figures as the Celtic druid and the Germanic seeress. They feared the powers of such individuals, and also recognised their value, being influential and held within high regard within their respective socieites. Knowing that chieftains and kings listened to such figures, the Romans often sought to placate them. They also knew that they could not control everything by brute force alone, so they often appealed to them, although how much and how successful they were in forming such alliances remains debatable. However, they also turned to other methods, such as trading opportunities, alliances and assimilation providing better and more opportunities for a good life and protection, which also led to a decline in native cultural figures with power, including the seeresses and druids.

The evidence of the extent of Roman assimilation, how successful they were, and how much resistance they encountered by the native peoples they conquered, Gabrielle stated, resided in languages. Modern languages were all descended from ancient ones, and the ones whose roots stemmed from their conquerors, such as Roman Latin, betrayed how successful they were in subduing these peoples and assimilating them- and not just from the Romans. The more conquerors there were, the more successful they had been, the more of the ancient languages were erased and replaced by their own. These modern-day languages and the cultures they belonged to showed- within the magical world of later centuries- who preserved their ancient cultural heritage and traditions the best- including in magic.

The Gallic language of the Celts who once inhabited modern-day France was now extinct, and modern-day French was descended and derived from Roman Latin, just as Italian and Spanish were; although it was likely that they added a few words loaned or borrowed from these various languages, and grammatical features. These evolved first into separate dialects, and then as time went by, into entirely separate languages, indiscernible from one another. As a result, the peoples of Gaul and Britannia were gradually Romanized. Thus, the Celtic druids and druidesses faded largely from history, even if it took some time, due to Romanization.


Veleda, an ancient seeress of the Germanic Bructeri tribe, had tremendous influence and respect in her society, even aiding her peoples against Roman invasion, via her magic.

By contrast, the peoples who resisted the Roman invasion the best and brought about their biggest defeat- and later downfall- were the Germanic tribes, whose modern day descendants' languages still showed signs of their roots stemming from their ancient ancestors. The Germanic tribes relied upon their seeresses no less than the Celts did their druids, and the Slavs their volkhovs and volkhovas; as a result, even modern-day German and Scandinavian witches and wizards, like the Slavs, still had these figures who played a key role in traditional magical culture and society and were held high in regard. The Germanic seeress Veleda of the Bructeri tribe had Roman envoys arriving to placate and present her with gifts to negotiate, knowing of her influence in their society. As part of her power and success, Veleda foretold the future and advised the Germans how to best proceed prior to and during the Batavian Revolt, which ended in victory for them against the Roman legions. She was highly revered by the Germanic tribes, even seen as a deity by the most superstitious, or a priestess or prophetess, by the tribes in central Germany. The other seeresses enjoyed similar renown, socio-political power and respect.

Veleda, according to Roman accounts, resided in a "lofty tower" near the Lippe River- a tributary of the Rhine. She was considered so wise, respected and influential that the Roman inhabitants of what was now modern-day Cologne appealed to her to be a mediator seeking to resolve the conflict between them and the Tencteri tribe (who were not controlled by the Romans but would undoubtedly listen to her advice). However, as she undertook this role the envoys were not allowed to even meet or see her in person, an interpreter- a relative- was the one who conveyed her messages to them. During another time, a Roman commander, Munius Lupercus tried to see her in person in order to negotiate; he came bearing gifts, but was killed before he reached Veleda, as the Germanic tribes feared he would either assassinate or abduct her. This indicated her importance and reputation of wisdom and power, especially as she also had the power to advise and appeal to leaders in matters of state.

However, Veleda appears to be a unique case as she was so valued and protected; while other seeresses including her successor- Ganna of the Semnones tribe- enjoyed similar influential roles amongst their peoples particularly to leaders, they did not appear to be as isolated and heavily guarded (although without a doubt they were still incredibly well-protected). Ganna in particular acted as a diplomat and negotiator with the Romans, along as a representative of her tribe with both Romans and Germans. Yet, this indicated that she was allowed to travel, and likely did so frequently (especially remarkable since ordinary women themselves rarely did during Ancient times, since it was so dangerous on the road where few survived), unlike her predecessor. Like the druids, they were seen as being subservient to no human authority (although they likely followed the same laws as everyone else, in order to avoid conflict). Druids, seeresses, Slavic volkhovs, Greek Oracles, Shamans and more were looked upon as otherworldly and answerable first and foremost to other powers beyond that of the human realm. They thus enjoyed more freedom and rights than ordinary folk, particularly the women, but also had more responsibilities and faced grave dangers and incredible pressure. Their success and survival depended upon how well they did their job and were able to keep their peoples safe. If they made a mistake, they could be labelled a fraud or failure, shunned or more likely killed. If they were mediators and negotiators, it mattered more that they were able to make the right decisions that would satisfy everyone on either side, than the fear, awe and respect afforded to them by their powers.

Anyone identified as having magical ability were called upon and trained to be public servants, no matter how distant and different the cultures seemed. Therefore, the Romans, despite their general scorn and disdain of foreign cultures, respected these individuals. In Greece, the Pythia or the priestess of the Oracle of Delphi, was also consulted by even the most militant and hot-headed kings, as they believed them to be voices of their gods and the fates. Gabrielle also noted that, prior to the late Middle Ages, there were more witches and wizards born with Foresight rather than without, as opposed to the modern-day where true Seers were unbelievably rare- and even then, few born with Seer blood had the ability to control their Inner Eye and discern mere premonition from what was sure to happen. As a matter of fact, anyone described as a witch or wizard in accounts of the prior age, all claimed that each of them possessed the Sight, at least to some degree. This suggested that the power was fading, although it would likely not disappear entirely.

However, unlike the modern-day German seeress, the Scandinavian vǫlva, the Hellenic Pythia, and Slavic volkhova, these were nonetheless, considered religious figures; if not deities, then they were considered priests and priestesses, prophets and mouthpieces of gods. According to Nina and Gabrielle, religion was a foreign, even alien concept to modern-day witches and wizards. Traditional festivals, whether ancient or relatively modern, were celebrated secularly by their modern-day descendants, without any religious aspects to them. Yet these figures, such as the volkhova and seeress still presided over them and officiated rituals, although no gods were invoked (despite the fact that Nina and Gabrielle both accepted the likelihood of a supreme deity). This was due to Muggle persecution, although Nina and Gabrielle both noted that it likely preceded monotheistic religions such as Christianity- stemming from conflicting of ideals and newer ways of life and innovations, seeing them as threats, before their own followers began to turn against such previously-important mages.

This caused magic- particularly "foreign" or "antiquated" mages- to be considered irrelevant, and a threat to rapidly advancing and changing society, as they sought to preserve their cultural heritage and traditional ways of life. Their powers were viewed with fear as possible threats, and greed. Eventually even the superstious hated them more than they feared their powers, fuelled by their fear and paranoia, and thus sought to eliminate them- and everything that remotely resembled them and their traditional ways.

This was a reason as to why the role of females within societies also dropped to the point where women were considered property in most of Europe, if not all, by the Middle Ages. Although the early Homo Sapiens had first established gender roles, this was due first and foremost to practicality; pregnant and nursing mothers were required to care for their dependent children, leaving the men with the sole task and responsibility of hunting and gathering, then farming, whereas the women performed other tasks from the safety of their homes- whether they were caves or temporary shelters. However, the Muggles took this a step further during later eras, as they saw the men do most of the "heavy-lifting" and the more dangerous tasks, as women were unable to fight or hunt whilst carrying a baby; this caused them, to view men as being more important and useful to society and families. All except women with magic. Therefore, a woman with power, particularly one that did not answer to any human authority (likely male) symbolised the old ways, and further offended their "sensibilities" and paranoia.

Traditionally, women with magic were considered, if not outright equally important as the men, then close enough. However, with the rise of conquering civilisations, such as the Roman Empire, came different values. While the Romans were notoriously misogynistic, they initially valued priestesses and seeresses, anyone with foresight, much like their own. When the Romans eventually turned to Christianity, a religion from the far east originating in Israel and Judea, they also absorbed traits of their culture, even though they still looked down upon them. In traditional Semitic society, despite the existence of women with influence, status and power, they were more likely to stay home and encouraged to be humble and meek (although one could point similar ideals pressed upon the men to lesser extent).

This gave the Romans an excuse to stamp out seeresses and other native mages, particularly females, in their expansion and quest to enforce their ideology and cultural beliefs. In the Middle-East and Africa, there was later a rise in Islam, officially labelling it as obscene for such women to have such power, overly ambitious and scheming.

While these religions themselves, Gabrielle emphasised, did not actually serve- or were meant to suppress women and their important roles in society, any more than the existence of inborn magic within humans, it was merely the conflict of cultures- as religion and ideology of any kind are often tangled with the culture from which it originates from. In the Middle-East and Rome, women had always had fewer rights, but pre-Christian Romans respected "priestesses. With the rise of Christianity, these separate cultural ideologies merged together, both east and west, where women were expected and encouraged to be meek and subservient, even taking a secondary role within society's religions. With the Roman Empire, this spread to much of the Ancient World. The concept of a woman with power, whether magical or socio-political offended the Romans and those they succeeded. Roman women, as Gabrielle noted, did not even have their own names, merely being named after their fathers or mothers in some cases. They were considered property. However, the most recalcitrant to these new ideologies and cultures resisted, and religion became entangled as part of the conflict as symbols, as each side sought to prove that their ways were better and right, and the other was blatantly wrong. Any female magical user, even more so than the male, was considered dangerous and immediately overly-ambitious and evil, and "not virtuous" as the image the Muggles had of meek and subservient women.

This would carry into later Muggle society, up until the late twentieth century. Magical society, especially by the Statute of Secrecy's introduction, had always refused to accept this, and considered witches equal by law, even if traditionally, wizards were the ones who passed down their family names to their children and witches took their husband's surnames upon marriage.

This was why witches were more targeted than wizards; the idea that they could be considered equal, accomplished or even important in their own right, was offensive to Muggles until the age of their "Feminist" movement. Gabrielle noted that when Muggles referred to magical humans as metaphors, calling someone a witch was considered an insult, whereas a wizard might not be so bad- even complimentary. For example, a computer wizard is someone with incredible technical capabilities which seemed extraordinary to them. No one, she claimed, called anyone a witch in the Muggle world unless they hated or despised said-person. This was because Muggles who had submitted completely to this new ideology by the Early Middle Ages, saw female magical users as symbols of the resistance to submit and be subservient and bend to the "new order" more so than the men. As female mages possessed power, they were seen as also possessing too much ambition when they "had no right to feel that way. Despite the equal prominence of their male counterparts, due to the hatred against magic, male magic-users (with the exception of benevolent or ambivalent figures such as Merlin) were often called witches, the same way (until the twenty-first century) magical society in general were called "wizards" regardless of the fact that they were referring to both genders. As Gabrielle noted, after the war when witches and wizards started to learn more about Muggle society, witches took serious offence to this, especially since the label used by the magical community, seemed to agree that view- not only of misogynism but of hatred eerily mirroring that of the Death Eaters'. Outside of Britain (which was largely seen as being in "a bubble" by the international magical community), the label of "wizards" when referring to magical populations of both genders, had been officially dropped, with few exceptions (being that of the ICW).

It was unclear just how many magical humans were born during all eras prior to the introduction of the International Statue of Secrecy. However, what was sufficiently clear, was that Muggles still vastly outnumbered them, although Gabrielle believed that the numbers grew with each generation, as did the carnage against them.


A female druid. With the rise of conflicting cultures and ideologies, they were swiftly targeted as fears of women with power emerged among Muggles who feared them more than their male counterparts.

The fact that some cultures within magical societies still possessed these legendary figures and others did not, spoke volumes on how much of their cultural heritage and ancient magic were lost, according to Nina Devanova. In Britain, both she and Una Gamp had previously learned much of the ancient magic and cultural heritage of the Celts and the Anglo-Saxons were lost, particularly after Camelot's fall and the Norman invasion. This went along with much of their traditions and cultural heritage. Nina noted, for example, that while Slavic witches and wizards still celebrated traditional festivals such as Kolieda (the winter festival), in Britain Muggle authorities and rulers had worked harder to stamp out these "pagan" traditions and culture, which resulted them in being dropped by first Muggles who persecuted anyone who practiced these traditions- which tended to be witches and wizards. Another cause of the decline was ancient cultural traditions being forgotten in favour of newer, more "exciting" festivities and traditions. Nina also noted that the Celtic festival of Samhain, which was still celebrated amongst witches and wizards, coincided with Hallowe'en, resulting in it being dropped in preference for Hallowe'en and its newer more innovative traditions amongst "more modern" peoples who viewed it as irrelevant and convinced others to join them. Yet these had significant roles to play in the magic used by the ancient peoples, which resulted in their decline and disappearance. Even though some families still practiced them, she noted the absence of the magical energy present during the Slavs' own traditional festivals. Nina was also unimpressed by the resident Seer and Divination teacher at Hogwarts: Sibyl Trelawney, whom she observed, did not hold an ounce of the same capabilities or sound judgement and reasoning as her mother's apprentices, let alone many of the ancient seeresses and druidesses.

This angered much of the older families, she observed, who fought to keep these traditions alive whilst being hidden in defiance of Muggle persecution, and also sought to preserve their cultural heritage and ancient traditions, even if solely out of respect for previous generations of their families. This caused them, in turn, to view the newcomers as being like the Muggle authorities who persecuted them- which was the root of all anti-Muggle-born prejudice. As Nina observed, even families who weren't prejudiced bigots were angered by the loss of their cultural heritage being spurned and stamped upon in favour of newer ones brought in by newcomers into their world- primarily Muggle-borns and pro-Muggle witches and wizards. In fact, Nina realised- after meeting the Greengrass and Gamp families- a number of the more aristocratic and traditional families wouldn't have a thing against Muggle-borns were it not for this, as they were not extreme in their ideology of Pure-Blood bigotry. Even amongst her own peoples, the magical Slavs, the hatred towards Muggle-borns were largely minimal, almost non-existent- and even then it was limited to those who had been in contact with extremist movements from Western Europe- most notably Grindelwald and Voldemort. Even then, the majority of them- including ancient families like her own who held similar views on preserving cultural heritage and traditions- hated Death Eaters and Grindelwald's followers. According to Nina, they saw no need to mistreat Muggle-born newcomers into their world, as they were all trying to survive a potentially dangerous environment of Muggle and Magical threats alike.

Both of Nina's parents, most notably her mother, sought to preserve their ancient cultural heritage, traditions and magic, with Nina's mother being at the centre of it all. This resulted in a clash of misunderstood ideologies and opinions in which Nina initially decided to steer clear of Hermione Granger (and eventually failed) in Hogwarts, whom she felt was too quick and eager to jump to judgement. She also stayed clear of Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter, due to the latter's similar tendencies and hearing of the former's father being responsible for conducting raids to obtain and destroy priceless and ancient family heirlooms, believing them to be "dark". According to Nina, they stemmed from a time in which, unless they involved ritual sacrifice, were not dark. In fact, as she put it, when you were persecuted, you used what you could to survive, and "pickiness was a luxury taken for granted amongst most witches and wizards in modern Britain." She stated that the descendants of these witches and wizards kept these items to honour their family members" sacrifice- which despite being more distant in time, faced no less horrific occurrences than the Wizarding Wars of the twentieth century. If they were too dangerous and risky to be handled casually, she pointed that instead of destroying them, indicating extreme disrespect and insult to one's family and cultural heritage, they should have been preserved in a museum for future generations to learn from. Nina had been horrified and outraged when she had heard of Mr Weasley's Ministry raids, although she did not wish him harmed so she mostly kept her father- who had been angered by his presence near the Bulgarian delegation during the Quidditch World Cup- away from him for fear of a duel being challenged. It had been considered a great offence by the Bulgarians and other foreigners.

The Witch-Queen[]

"Until recently, I thought she was a myth. Then I discovered she was real, and there had very much been a war between Muggles and Magical humans. Now, you're telling me I'm her descendant and therefore, the source of all her powers is supposedly somewhere I should know about?! Even if you tortured me, there's no existing information I can give or confirm! Give me a break!"
— Nina's scepticism to Rodolphus Lestrange, when he demanded she lead him to the Nexus and unlock its hiding place.
Witch-Queen 1

The Impostor Witch-Queen, who assumed the identity of the original and was deformed by Dark Magic, was the niece of the original.

The Dark Ages, after the fall of Rome and the Ancient Classical era, and before the official Medieval period or Middle Ages, were a time where magic thrived and grew incredibly powerful. Most Muggles believed it to be a dark and chaotic time, also evident with few records, where death, for countless reasons including the struggle to survive by acquiring territory and property and plagues, stalked Europe.

However, Gabrielle also noted it was not as bad as Muggles initially believed. For witches and wizards in particular, they enjoyed a Golden Age. The evolution and advancement of Magic reached its peak during this era, as much as the innovative Muggle western culture and civilisation did during the Classical periods dominated by Greece and Rome. Like Muggles viewing the Greco-Roman period of the past with nostalgia and awe, witches and wizards did the same for the supposed Dark Ages. In fact, one reason as to why there were so few records stemming frm this time period, was that multiple groups and individuals across the world struggled to conceal all evidence of magic, and those that could not hide them entirely disguised them as legends, myths and folktales. This included the period of Camelot, the only time in history where witches and wizards lived openly as equals- not superiors or outcasts in general- alongside Muggles. However, prior to this, the persecution of witches and wizards rose even farther, as Gabrielle noted, there was no such respect and awe associated with certain figures such as the Celtic druid, the Germanic seeress and the Slavic volkhov- now mostly replaced by their female counterparts the volkhova- anymore.

Not only were these seen as priests or priestesses of antiquated pagan religions- which monotheistic Christians, Muslims and Jews were against- they did not wish to respect them the same way and feared their power even more with its growing strength. The Dark Ages were a time of turmoil, at least initially, with conflict, plague and death rampant across all walks of life. Witches and wizard were often blamed for the state of things, and this saw the emergence of witch-burnings among other, gruesome methods of torture and execution.

There was also envy in their abilities which afforded them in easier way of living as opposed to pre-industrial Muggles, who struggled to survive. For example: prior to the introduction of electricity, Muggles relied upon fire for heat and light- but without magic, or modern Muggle inventions, lighting a fire is difficult even in fair conditions, and often required practice which, if not careful, could be disastrous. If all the fires went out, it was similar to a modern Muggle house's power supply being cut, so Muggle households would often keep a few coals burning in the hearth to rekindle, even at night. Yet with magic, this was easily done and so convenient that many did not see a need for an alternative source of heat and light.

Only in few, select communities were witches and wizards still lauded and awed, relied upon for help. They were no longer honoured or trained to be public servants of their peoples, anyone born with magical ability found themselves as outcasts, targeted for death, or at the very least, ostracised, helpless and friendless- unless they either betrayed their fellow witches and wizards- which Muggle-born children did out of fear and a desire to remain within their communities and families- or they worked for the authorities. Any child revealed to be born with magic was also spared little to no mercy- it was a death sentence for a child to be born with magic amongst Muggles. On one hand they were not trusted by the magical community, as they could easily turn in and expose others to placate their parents and members of their former community in proving their goodwill. On the other, they were the ones the most helpless and vulnerable, especially when young, as they were born into hostile communities and even parents who could turn on them and order them killed.

However, even then, witch-hunting Muggles could prove corrupt and seek to use magic for their own ends. Yet even magic had limits which Muggles refused to believe or accept, such as resurrecting the dead. When their demands were not met, the corrupt Muggles grew infuriated. As for the demands that were met, like all magic, they could often come at a price, how high depended upon how much they asked for, or if they were relatively small cases of magic, they eventually faded. There were laws of magic, beyond the control of any witch or wizard, yet when Muggles did not get what they wished, they targeted their rage and resentment upon the casters themselves, even if they were warned beforehand.

Such feelings and ideas spread as fast as wildfire, inflaming everyone. As such, some communities, prior to the Camelot Age, were divided in their treatment of witches and wizards. The combined alliance of Merlin and Arthur led to a brief era of peace between these peoples, but only within Britain and not before much bloodshed in mainland Europe- and even then it was a small respite.

This eventually led to war between magical and Muggle in Europe, although it did not immediately become widespread and bloody. It was known as the Dark War, a conflict long-forgotten by the witches and wizards in Britain, Nina claimed, or even deliberately ignored out of a misguided fear of the spread of ideas and misinterpretations (especially since witches and wizards were softening their attitudes around Muggles). However in mainland Europe, particularly in the east, the north and central parts of Europe, or even the south, it dominated and shadowed everyone's lives. Children were particularly vulnerable, due to their lack of control over their own emotions- and magic. Thus, this led to fury and resentment, with witches and wizards striking back.

During the Dark War, a legendary figure known as the Witch-Queen, an unimaginably powerful sorceress, emerged. She rallied all magical kind to her, even non-human beings and beasts, and she protected them. While she was known to be fair, just, even merciful and generous- even towards the Muggles who showed mercy and conscience in spite of being expected to kill or betray- her kindness and generosity could give way to equal ruthlessness and vengeance. She was the primary reason magical kind managed to score any form of victory against Muggles despite being outnumbered. The Witch-Queen was said to have done so several times, beating back the Muggles to give magical-kind "room to breathe" or time to find safety, knowing they could never be beaten permanently, nor would the Muggles truly stop from hunting, capturing and killing magical beings and beasts if they found them. The Witch-Queen was also the only individual acknowledged as royalty by any magical humans and solely by them (although some royals were magical, but ruled both magical and Muggle, including Britain's King Arthur, his sister Morgana, and Ireland's Queen Mauve).

According to Nina's mother, the volkhova, who was a guardian to such histories, she was capable of both Light and Dark Magic and used both, making her the first person who could be considered a Grey Sorceress in the modern sense- back then, it was emphasised, there were fewer boundaries, unless one turned to truly foul Dark Arts such as Horcruxes, which involved ritual sacrifice. Yet, her existence was a myth to many, including Nina, prior to her coming-of-age, and largely unknown outside of the mainland continent. This was because some, including Nina's mother, feared that her legacy and memory would be tarnished and smeared; either misused as propaganda figures by anti-Muggle extremists such as Grindelwald and Voldemort, or looked upon as a Dark Sorceress and a monster by those vehemently against them, but just as extreme in their views. Fearing the misconceptions and misuse of the memories and legacies of such a figure, Nina's mother and many others throughout the centuries concealed all the evidence, including written accounts of her, and even some legends. Apart from the Slavic, Baltic, Caucasian, Germanic, Uralic and Scandinavian witches and wizards- and within certain circles of other societies outside of Europe including Africa, Asia and the Americas- the Witch-Queen remained largely forgotten, which as Nina's mother hinted, she may have wanted, giving instructions to her followers to conceal her from living memory to many.

Any fears were proven correct partially since after the Witch-Queen died, another figure emerged, an impostor who was supposedly a niece who steeped herself in Dark Magic (thus becoming deformed). This so-called Witch-Queen waged a brutal war and won the last victory against Muggles but had been ultimately defeated, and Muggle persecution of witches and wizards increased significantly due to the atrocities committed by her or in her name. Volodiměrŭ, according to sources, had been the one to kill her.

Not much is known about the original Witch-Queen, even to her contemporaries. She was hundreds, if not thousands of years old by the time of the Dark War and incredibly powerful, already in charge and safeguarding the first entirely-magical settlements in Eastern, Central and Northern Europe. She was believed to have been born when the Baltic and Slavic peoples had yet to secede from each other and within themselves, and spoke a single language (although Gabrielle noted that she may have even, in fact, been older than that), as the families who were descended from her were largely Slavic and Baltic in origin and ethnicity (although one branch intermarried into the Caucasus region, evidenced by at least one of her descendants being born there). She rose high among society, and was known to be incredibly powerful. Her native tongue was Proto-Balto-Slavic, and her true name was forgotten, influencing various Muggle myths about goddesses, even as far as the Germanic cultures (including the Norse) and the Celts in the west. Some even theorise that she may have been the first witch, or at least the first magical human born in Europe. This was evident as only a descendant of the Witch-Queen "her heir or heiress" could find and enter the hiding place of the Slavic Nexus, which she was said to have discovered. However, details about her life were largely unknown, even as to how many children she had, when they were born and who fathered them (although the theory persists that she created them using magic and her own blood, which Nina's mother hinted may have been at least partially true).

Volodiměrŭ, the great Slavic sorcerer, however, turned out to be if not her son, then grandson or great-grandson, or even a later descendant. He was the first to establish any form of entirely independent community for magical humans, which he did multiple times. Born in the ancient, ancestral homeland of the Slavs (which was kept a strictly-guarded secret by Nina's mother and her followers, considered one of the most fundamental parts of their duties), Volodiměrŭ migrated with the various Slavic peoples, and appeared to them. He would later serve as advisors, first to the Slavic rulers, at least for a time, until new rulers with anti-magic sentiments or excessive greed and violence forced him to withdraw all magical Slavic and Baltic witches and wizards from their Muggle counterparts. He was seen and revered as first a warrior prince, a hero and leader of his peoples, then as much as Merlin to the Slavic witches and wizards. It was largely due to Volodiměrŭ that Slavic and Baltic witches and wizards had a head-start in establishing their own separate societies, possessing an exceptionally rich culture and civilisation based on magic, which were largely self-sufficient but with secret trade networks, thus becoming far more advanced and less antiquated than their western contemporaries, most notably by the time of the twentieth century.

The influence of Volodiměrŭ was such that, due to separate societies, ancient magic, languages, cultures and traditions were kept alive. His influence also reached as far as Scandinavia, where they blended the widespread international culture of contemporary witches and wizards with their own ancient traditions, including Viking runes, magic and other ways of life, such as architecture and laws, as opposed to their Muggle peers. In fact, Volodiměrŭ's influence (and the Witch-Queen's) had such an impact on Slavic society that their Muggle counterparts had a rich oral and literary store of folklore and legends about the most powerful mages, despite the fact that Volodiměrŭ and the Witch-Queen, unlike Merlin, erased or had erased all records of themselves in Muggle society. This was primarily the reason why much of ancient or Dark Age cultural heritage of the Slavic, Baltic, Germanic and Scandinavian peoples, their magic, traditions and rituals survived and were preserved better, than in others such as Magical Britain. Merlin himself, was Volodiměrŭ's contemporary, being related to him and the Witch-Queen, via his father, a mysterious warlock who was described as a demon within Muggle texts (being anti-magic, although they also revered the wise Merlin). This as Gabrielle discovered, may have been a reason for his capacity to use and tolerate the strain of incredible magical power, and even resist it.

The reason why she was so powerful lay with the Slavic Nexus, guarded by the volkhova, or Slavic High or Supreme Sorceress, which was Nina's mother by the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. The Witch-Queen was the first one to discover it, and was thus it selected and gave her the capacity for greater magical ability than most, if not all. Although her descendants in the twentieth and twenty-first century showed little sign of being capable of anything other than what could be achieved with training and persistence towards accomplishments, Nina Devanova was able to enter and withstand the power of the Slavic Nexus, despite being taken within the very heart of it, which should have killed her. She also managed to conjure a patronus without a wand from within her, and became an Animagus taking the form of a phoenix- a feat which no other witch or wizard, no matter how powerful and accomplished, had ever managed to do- turning themselves into a magical creature, as opposed to a mundane one. This was primarily because the Devanov family were descended through her via Volodiměrŭ, although few of them were even aware of that fact.

Much about the Witch-Queen, Volodiměrŭ, their family connection to Merlin, and the Slavic Nexus remains a mystery. Although first-hand written accounts survived about them as opposed to Camelot's era and the Hogwarts Founders, Nina noted that they were in the process of being deciphered, and discovered. The Slavs had a writing system- or at least a proto-writing system- prior to the introduction of the Cyrillic and Glagolithic scripts in the sixth century A.D (A.C.E), and while there were found to be correspondents between Merlin and Volodiměrŭ- and even the Hogwarts Founders as it turned out- detailing their lives and struggles, it was a slow translation process, made even more difficult since the languages used predated that of even Old English or Anglo-Saxon, Old Norse, Latin and Old Slavonic by centuries.

Merlin and Volodiměrŭ wrote in the British Celtic languages which were translated into Proto-Balto-Slavic and Proto-Slavonic and vice versa, despite the emergence of Anglo-Saxon or Old English, first as an emerging dialect then lingua franca, and Old Slavonic. Thus, much of their correspondences were "abnormally difficult" to translate, according to Nina.

Nexus Sources[]

"Even knowledge about these are not to be trifled with: in the wrong sort of hands, Dark Sorcerers and the easily-corrupted and arrogant, I am already dreading the possible conflicts, even though they're certain to fail to control them directly to use them to gain any sort of power. Therefore, I will keep the locations of these mostly secret, hinting at best, including the nature of the magic they produced. However, I will state- very strongly- that the guardians of each Nexus take a magical vow which cannot be broken, even if they tried."
— Gabrielle's writings featuring Nexus Sources in The Secret History of Magic; the Nature of Magic.
Nexus 1

A Nexus Source affecting a being

It was only later during her travels after discovering and excavating the site of Camelot in Britain, that Gabrielle Delacour first started to suspect that such a source of magic existed. According to Gabrielle, magic, as a supernatural force, lay in nature, within the air, the plant-life and waters. Everything natural is touched by magic, if not fully formed by them. She stated that even Muggles were aware of the magic in nature itself, although they do not take it literally as that, and may not believe in magic in general.

When different magical energies, stemming from various natural sources, meet at a single point, a Nexus Source springs forth, radiating its powerful raw magic. In the case of the Nexus Sources Gabrielle Delacour found in Washington State and in San Francisco Bay Area, the elements were Earth (the land), Water (the sea and various bodies of freshwater present), Air/Wind (due to the high turbulence in near the Pacific Coast- although the San Francisco Nexus lacked this element as a source, being in California), Fire (hot springs), Metal (minerals mined there) and Wood (forested areas).

Wakanda meteor2

The effects of a meteor on Africa 2.5 millions of years ago, affecting all animal and plant life, prior to human settlement.

These two Nexus Sources sprung forth naturally, but other Nexus Sources included one in Africa which came in the form of a meteor that fell to the earth 2.5 million years ago, and another in the island of Atlantis came from the crystalline fragment of a comet that fell around 100,000 B.C (or B.C.E). The meteorite being made of celestial metal, affected all the plant and animal-life nearby, saturating it with its power and energy. However, Nexus Sources were immeasurably, indescribably powerful, so much so that the early humans who came into contact with them- from the prehistoric era- sickened and died, unable to stand the energy which morphed and shifted their very DNA. According to Gabrielle, it sounded eerily like the effects of a Muggle nuclear radiation, which settled within the air, water, and all living matter right into their DNA which passed down and evolved- or mutated- them and their descendants. However, it was stated that a Nexus Source is, over a hundred times more powerful than anything nuclear.

Each Nexus is different, with Gabrielle noting that "No two Nexus Sources are the exact same, however they may mirror one another, especially on how they were formed."

Washington State1

Washington State where the first American Nexus was located and hidden.

However, they share similarities, some sharing more with others in other parts of the world, and their effects tended to be the same. The Nexus in Washington State had been surrounded by the remains of Paleo-Indians, the ancestors of modern-day Native American tribes, and animals as the force of its sheer power, magic is its most natural and purest form concentrated and coming from a single location, was too much to bear. Over time, however, it softened its lethality, enabling most humans to develop an immunity to it- No-Majs or Muggles- and others to evolve, developing magical ability. It also drew many species, being or beast, to it, triggering a process and transforming them into separate species. This included the North American thunderbird which was related to the European and Asian species of phoenixes, via a common ancestor with a natural power and affinity for Plasma- one of the Four Fundamental States of Matter, from which fire and lightning each stems from.


Sasquatches fiercely guarded the existence of the Nexus in Washington State, having been evolved by it.

Another species, beings this time, drawn to the Washington Nexus, were Sasquatches. North American Sasquatches, European Giants and Himalayan Yeti all shared a common ancestor, before breaking apart into separate groups which emigrated to various places in the world, and evolved to adapt to their natural environments. However, Gabrielle suspected that the Nexus Sources played a part in their evolution. The Washington Nexus lay within the heart of Sasquatch territory, surrounded by the sacred burial site of their ancestors, including their most early ancestral species. Gabrielle noted that she was one of the few humans ever allowed within, as Sasquatches were very territorial. Her companions fell dangerously sick before they even came near, whereas Gabrielle was able to withstand its power better, but felt it weaken her nevertheless, as she got closer. This was because of her Veela heritage, with Veela, like all Fae species, were bound to and wielded the magic of nature. The Sasquatches, as she noted, did not even come close enough, despite being able to withstand it better than humans. This meant that the ones who either developed an immunity to it, or evolved to adapt to its forces, first did so from afar, and it was still potentially lethal.

Nexus sources may be, in fact, sentient or at least semi-sentient. While much of them remains largely unknown, Gabrielle theorised this based on the fact that the Nexus in Washington State sensed enough of its lethal effects on life and softened its power to enable humans to come closer without danger of dying; the one in San Francisco eventually "closed itself up" to prevent magical beings from fighting over it to obtain territory upon it and its power (albeit with persuasion from its guardians); and the one in the Slavic ancestral homeland selected a single person to possess more power than the others to safeguard and lead them.

This was based upon the fact that while magical instruments such as wands, used to channel magic, possessed some degree of sentience based on their ability to sense and select their rightful owner. A Nexus would be far more powerful and capable than that in sensing potential among beings. Whatever the truth was, the Slavic Nexus bestowed enormous power- or to be more technically correct; a capacity for and ability to withstand greater power within the Witch-Queen than was normal for humans, as they were unable to withstand the power of the Nexus and survive. She was already millennia old by the time of the Dark War, and the Witch-Queen eventually disappeared from history, vanishing without a trace, albeit of her own volition.


Possible location for the ancestral homeland of the Slavic peoples, where the Early Slavs migrated from, and the hiding place of the Nexus.

Nina's mother entertained the possibility she might even be alive by the time of the twenty-first century. Witches and wizards, as noted, could live for hundreds of years, even without counting Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel with the Philosopher's Stone, yet none of them have been noted to have lived for millennia. The Witch-Queen spoke the language known as Proto-Balto-Slavic and other Proto languages, including Proto-Indo-European, spoken in the nearby Yamna Culture around 3,500 B.C (or B.C.E), thus she could have been born during that era, or the Balto-Slavic era, or simply gained a heightened awareness and foresight through the Nexus. She also showed great knowledge and awareness of the world around her, including the ancient world, and was once noted to being able to read the and Minoan script; even though the Slavic and Baltic tribes had never made contact with anywhere as south as Minoan Crete during that particular era of her supposed birth, and the civilisation had long-since disappeared and was forgotten by the time of the Dark Ages. Modern Muggles were also unable to decipher the Minoan script. So it was difficult to tell just how old she was and when she found the Nexus, and since it was unknown if she actually died, it was possible as the Nexus granted her more powers and she already lived an inconceivably long life even for witches, that she may have been immortal.

The Slavic Nexus also allowed the Witch-Queen's descendant, Nina, to approach closer than anyone else did, even summoning and taking her within its very heart. This showed that it recognised her, even foresaw her appearance. After her re-emergence, it altered her DNA, although only just and with no apparent effects to the outside world. Nevertheless, Nina grew immediately more powerful and Gabrielle deduced that her children- if she had any- would be even more powerful, perhaps just as powerful as the Witch-Queen. This was agreed upon by the volkhova who predicted that Nina would be the mother of a future Witch-Queen, stating that the event had been foreseen and told to her by the previous volkhovas which was why they were so insistent upon her giving birth to a daughter in her old age, before she ascended to her position.

Nexus Sources may or may not have been the reason for all beings and beasts that derived their magical ability from its powers, but it was the one plausible explanation that they had discovered, according to Gabrielle. The Slavic Nexus was kept a strictly-guarded secret, as such, by the volkhova and her followers, throughout millennia, out of fear that Dark Sorcerers, or even the greedy and easily corrupted, may seek to use it- although they certainly could not, as Nina's mother claimed, the Nexus had a mind and will of its own, and it was not possible for anyone to possess it. However, it lay within the ancestral homeland of the Slavs and therefore could prove dangerous and disastrous for the Slavs if anyone tried to invade the surrounding territory in order to obtain its power, or access to it.

The task of guardianship had first been the Witch-Queen's, who was chosen, before she selected her successors, the volkhovas, to do the work throughout millennia, prior to the Statute of Secrecy, which they continued to the present day. In order to learn about and understand the magic, and to preserve the ancient ways and knowledges of millennia past, the volkhovas and the Witch-Queen ingested a substance provided by the Slavic Nexus during their official ascension. It was the deadliest poison ever discovered by beings, according to the volkhova, due to the pure energy and raw power of the Nexus imbued within the liquid. This granted them the power to pass on memories, and to access their ancestral memories which consisted of all the life-experiences of previous generations, buried within their DNA and the confines of their mind, usually inaccessible to others. This was consistent with the Muggle theory of Genetic Memory, or even the concept of a Hive Mind, although they were capable of individual decisions and thought. It was also hinted that the Nexus imbued its own memories and knowledge, based on its observation and awareness of the world around its hiding place, into the substance which was then transferred to the volkhova, giving them a heightened awareness and understanding.

Lady of the Lake 1

Nimue or Viviane, Lady of the Lake, was the guardian of one Nexus, like Nina's mother and the Sidhe.

This gave rise to the idea that Nina's mother, the present volkhova may have been hundreds of years old, when in fact, she was merely in her eighties; it was the mere awareness and memories of the various lives which she all experienced during her ascension which influenced her reasoning and behaviour. Although it was not typically a hereditary position, not everyone who ingests the substance survives and a new volkhova is only chosen once the previous one is dead or dying. Therefore, Nina's mother warned her about the possibility that she might someday have to conduct the ritual and ascend to her mother's position, should her mother's successor not survive the process. Nina's own mother Snežana, had ascended to the position upon the sudden death of her older sister Nadežda, who had been the volkhova before her. Nadežda had failed to designate a successor as she died suddenly at the hands of Death Eaters, since she had sacrificed herself in order to prevent them from telling Voldemort about the Nexus' existence and the Witch-Queen. Snežana had feared the danger that knowledge might do in the wrong hands. Her fears were not unfounded, as a splinter-group of Death Eaters after the war, believing that the Nexus could resurrect Voldemort, kidnapped and used Nina in order to force her to try and find it. Instead, the Nexus used Nina to kill them, thus ensuring that the secret of the Nexus never left.

However, after this episode, the existence of Nexuses were made known, published by a hesitant Gabrielle, however, she kept secrets, and it was noted that the ICW, and the various Ministries and Councils of Magic who all speculated that it might be found within their boundaries, tried to get Snežana, Nina and Gabrielle to reveal its hiding place, but was rebuffed out of fear that they would become corrupted with greed, or the knowledge would fall into the wrong hands.

Gabrielle also kept the existence of other Nexuses a secret for precisely the same reasons- and the fact that they were considered to lie upon sacred territories for their surrounding beings. She hinted that magic may have evolved differently in some humans than others, the same way there were once many human species. Therefore, this gave rise to the suspicion that there were other witches and wizards, or humans with magical ability, different from theirs; who lived within very different laws and systems of government, cultures and civilisations. Gabrielle hinted that they were not wrong, however, she refused to specify or elaborate out of fear that the magical governments which comprised the ICW, would try to enforce their own laws and authorities upon them the way they did with non-human beings (including limiting the centaurs' territory). This could not only lead to conflict, but tyranny.

Gabrielle hinted- extremely vaguely- about the existences of other Nexuses and she emphasised that she had not discovered them all- merely deduced where they were. Apart from the Washington, San Francisco Nexuses in America, the Slavic Nexus, the African and the Atlantean ones, there may have been one in Camelot, or at least connected to the site of Camelot, as she discovered a portal that took her to neighbouring Ireland. According to Gabrielle it may have existed within the depths of the lake (which fell under the guardianship of the legendary Lady of the Lake in Arthurian legends). However, it had been sealed by or with the help of Merlin, Morgana and the Lady herself (believed to have been named Viviane or Nimue), like the San Francisco Nexus. Another Nexus in Ireland had also been closed by the Tuatha Dé Danann people when they went underground fleeing human persecution, and became the Sidhe.

Atlantis Crystal1

The source of the ancient empire of Atlantis' power and civilisation.

Gabrielle noted the fact that each Nexus mirrored that of another, with each pair in very different times and places. The Atlantean Nexus which came from the crystalline fragment of a comet, mirrored that of a meteorite which fell onto Africa , and affected all life. Gabrielle, hinted that the one in Africa, as the one in Atlantis had done, gave rise to very advanced civilisations. The Atlanteans had built their entire culture, civilisation and empire around their Nexus, which gave them not only magical ability, but a form of power the same way modern Muggles used electricity and Magical humans electricity to power everything. It had been the source of their strength and magical power, however, they disregarded any possible warning signs in their arrogance and ambition for power and advancement, in over-extending their power by an accidental discharge of weaponry power. This information was given to her by the volkhova, who warned of other possible bad effects as a way of reasoning why the Nexus Sources of the world should be steered clear of and not trifled with.

Gabrielle also vaguely noted the existence of another "possible" Nexus somewhere within an uncharted, undiscovered territory between France and Germany (not Belgium, Luxembourg or Switzerland). This Nexus, she noted, prevented anyone from entering it either by land, air, sea (if it did indeed border the coast), or underground. Even certain branches and areas of magic were inaccessible to it. Planes that flew from France to Germany and vice versa were said to have magically appeared at the other side without anyone noticing. She hinted that it might lie at the very heart of a lake, if not the actual lake itself, like the Lady's Lake in Camelot, but could remain dormant. Still, it gave rise to what she called 'an advanced civilisation and culture of humans but with magical capabilities, different from ours, with at least one city and their own system of government. She refused to specify for the sake of avoiding conflict between magical peoples and the ambition of the power-hungry. She hinted the same with the one at the San Francisco Nexus, while noting that the witches evolved to possess a different branch of magic than they were familiar with, who built their home on top of it, and eventually aided in closing it.

Shadowhunters' Lake Lyn1

Nexus Sources can come from the heart or depths of a lake, such as the one in Camelot and in Europe.

Gabrielle refused to publish any of this until the ICW had enacted laws to protect various beings and beasts, with their own cultures and civilisations from witch and wizard presumption of authority, and interference with their laws, ways of life, culture, society and territory.


The location of the Nexus in Western Europe's mainland. It was kept a strict secret out of Gabrielle's fear of conflict and power-hungry persons.

The Nature of Magic in Beings.[]

Within Humans[]

"Humans, for one, are incredibly adaptable, despite being the most physically vulnerable species out there. However, as per the rules of balance, their genome makes amends by being incredibly elastic, thus allowing room for further change and evolution. Have you ever heard of werewolves and vampires transforming other beings into their own kind? Veela and nymphs may, but it's easier and more convenient to reproduce with humans, as they know the intended result. How is it that humans are able to reproduce with so many species of beings? Within humans themselves, the pressures of migrating to different places and living with the different environmental changes typically need only a few millennia for evolution to "kick in" and slowly change the descendants' physicality in order to better adapt and survive in their current environment. With the Nexus sources, it is mostly humans who have adapted to develop an immunity to much of its lethal power, or evolved in order to use magic, rather than letting it kill them with its sheer natural force."
— Gabrielle Delacour in The Evolution of Magic (The Secret History of Magic, Vol. 2)

Magic exists within beings- individuals capable of sentience and reasoning- and beasts which are non-sentient or semi-sentient. The former most notably includes witches and wizards; a portion of the human population on earth that are born with a set of magical genes within their DNA, which Muggles or No-Majs, meaning non-magical humans, lack. According to Gabrielle Delacour, the magical genes themselves are part of a witch or wizard's DNA, but are not enough to designate them as even a separate species from Muggle humans (who are all part of or descended from the prehistoric Homo Sapiens species or branch of the human race, as opposed to the other extinct prehistoric human species). Thus, this only meant that they are a mere sub-species division of the human race, although, as Gabrielle put it, there are differences, no matter how miniscule they seem.

For example, a witch or wizard's internal biochemistry results in immunity from most non-magical diseases and ailments, including even the most severe ones, as was the case with cancer. Yet they, like Muggles, are not immune to the Common Cold, which Gabrielle Delacour theorised, is due to the fact that to modern humans (magical and non-magical alike) a cold is a minor nuisance rather than a genuine threat- in addition, a cold can be easily cured by witches and wizards in an instant. On the other hand, Muggles are immune to magical pathogens, including Vanishing Sickness, Dragon Pox and Spattergroit. This is because magical pathogens require the existence of magic within a host's cells to survive and thrive upon, which a Muggle lacks, thus it would actually kill the pathogens if they could not settle onto a suitable host.

Squibs are the offspring of at least one magical parent. However, they lack the ability to use magic. For many centuries Squibs, who are traditionally viewed as embarrassments and generally disregarded within magical society, even those tolerant of Muggle-borns, were not even registered by Ministries and Councils of Magic (the various magical governments of all nations within the ICW- with the exception of the American MACUSA which is called a congress).

However, as Gabrielle Delacour discovered, a Squib does indeed possess the magical genes which they inherited from their magical parent (or parents). Yet, they merely inherited them in dormant form, as opposed to active genes. According to Gabrielle magical genes are always passed down from parent to child, and the active genes are dominant, meaning that a witch or wizard's child with a Muggle is more likely to be a witch or wizard themselves, however, there is typically a chance where at least one child amongst four all with the same parents, are born with their magical genes dormant, resulting in them being Squibs. However, as she put out, this is not always the case. Thaddeus Thurkell produced seven Squib sons in the seventeenth century (an extreme rarity), which disgusted him so much he transformed them into hedgehogs.

Gabrielle theorised that this was due to the fact that witches and wizards significantly make up less of a human population in a country than their non-magical counterparts. This meant that the most bigoted and prejudiced "Pure-Bloods" (those born to an entirely magical heritage) who refused to marry anyone other than other Pure-Bloods, married anyone who was actually related to them, whether closely or distantly. This resulted in more offspring being born with mental and physical defects, as evidenced by the Gaunt family: Marvolo and his children, Morfin and Merope, all born to marriage between cousins for generations. As a result, several generations before Marvolo was born, mental instability saw that all the family gold was squandered and the family were left in poverty, with the three of them being described as "cross-eyed". It could also have other results. The Blacks by the late twentieth century had only one male member surviving (who was disowned by them): Sirius. The number of magical children born to Pure-Blood parents were growing significantly less, also evidenced by the fact that amongst the three Black sisters (Sirius' cousins): Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa, only Narcissa and Andromeda had managed to produce a child each. While it can be said that Bellatrix only married Rodolphus Lestrange due to family expectations, family expectations also would have called for her to preserve the family concept of blood-purity- this included carrying it down to the next generation, which was only possible if she produced at least one child.

Yet Bellatrix had been married to Rodolphus Lestrange for many years, as Nina pointed out, before the two of them ended up in Azkaban. Regardless of the status of feeling between the two of them, both of them had known it was their duty to carry on the family bloodline and produce an heir. Her youngest sister Narcissa also had just one child, born relatively late into her marriage with Lucius Malfoy, another Pure-Blood. Nina also noted that the family she had married into, the Malfoys were nowhere nearly as numerous as they used to be, certainly far less in number in comparison with her own family the Devanovs (who had separate branches in Russia, Bulgaria and Lithuania, perhaps even the Caucasus, but were technically all Pure-Bloods). This was primarily because British Pure-Blood families mainly married within the boundaries of Britain and Ireland (although the Lestranges first originated in France, as well as the Malfoys). The Devanovs married into other ancient, aristocratic families, but from various different countries, and they- particularly Nina's mother the volkhova- kept millennia-old records to keep track of which child was marrying into which family, so as to measure how closely related they were.

According to Nina, while innate magic does ensure the fight for survival including better chances of a next generation being born even to closely-related individuals, gives witches and wizards a keen edge over Muggles, it is not infallible. She also learned that there were other methods, employed using ancient magic (although sometimes with new innovations), including that of the Slavs, to produce a healthy child. Nina herself had been born late into her parents' lives, past the traditional age of bearing children. According to Nina, her parents were in their eighties when she was a teenager, meaning they had to have been in their seventies when she was born. If it had not been their innate magic (which still made it possible, though highly unlikely), it was likelier still that her parents had employed methods of ancient magic to create her and her older brother Sergei- which was possible as she noted that witches and wizards from all backgrounds and many countries in Europe, tended to go to her mother for help when they wanted a child.

In Britain, there was no such person they could turn to, "no druid" according to Una. In fact, there hadn't been a druid or druidess since Merlin himself, and few, if any, practitioners of ancient magic. While witches and wizards may not be aware of the consequences of inbreeding, it is hinted that if they were they insisted that the strength of their innate magic alone, especially by preserving its "purity", would be enough to ensure the next generation. Nina noted that the second Black sister, Andromeda married an un-related Muggle-born Ted Tonks, but only managed to produce one child as well, but who was born a Metamorphmagus (with the ability to change her appearance at will), a Black trait which did not surface for centuries within the main line. This meant that greater diversity of the gene pool was in fact, healthier and stronger without inbreeding, even with magic to aid it. However, she noted that in Pure-Blood families, the more inbreeding they committed to there were higher chances that the genes would be born dormant within their children- therefore having pretty much the same results as a marriage between a Muggle and a Magical person, which were noted to produce Squibs. Thaddeus Thurkell- a seventeenth-century wizard who would have known nothing about the detrimental effects of inbreeding- thus managed to produce seven Squib sons. The more severe it had become, the worse it was. Even Gilderoy Lockhart's mother- who married a Muggle- had two Squib children, as opposed to the one actively-magical one.

However, as Gabrielle Delacour noted, the genes did not "die out" in fact: they merely stayed dormant. Squib children were typically sent to Muggle schools and encouraged to integrate into their community, intermarrying with Muggles and having children with them. It was seen as kinder, according to Muriel Prewett, as Squib children not only faced prejudice and discrimination, but without the active use of magic they were unable to take part in much of their peers' play, could not go to school, and found it difficult to gain employment as witches and wizards relied upon magic the way Muggles did on electricity- primarily employing those who knew how to use them in order to get the job done. As such, Squibs would find it difficult to be employed for a living in their adult lives even if they did go to school. They also faced limited prospects for marriage; as some of the most prejudiced, and even the supposedly un-prejudiced ones, tended to avoid them. According to Una Gamp, some families refused their children to marry into other families due to the presence of a Squib within the family tree, especially one that is a sibling, even if the person in question was not a Squib. This was because it was believed that Squibs existed only because of the presence of weak or dying magic in one's bloodline, thus forcing them to go to the Muggle world in search for better opportunities in all parts of life.

However, once they married Muggles and had apparently-Muggle children themselves, the genes were unknowingly passed down. Eventually however, further down their line, it re-awakens and manifests itself as magical ability, in children of seemingly entirely non-magical heritage: Muggle-borns. These were, unbeknownst to everyone prior to Gabrielle's discovery, the descendants of Squibs with the dormant genes who intermarried into the Muggle communities. The magical community had no way of knowing prior to this, as no magical government had ever recorded Squib births and registered them as full citizens thus affording them the same rights as their actively-magical peers. After she made public this discovery, Squibs were officially registered and any Squib descendants too- this included tracing the Squib children of previous generations, especially in countries where Muggles- or No-Majs as they were known in America- were still hostile to the idea of magic, witches and wizards.

As evidence of the dormant existence of the magical genes, weak, innate magic existed within Squibs which protected them from Muggle pathogens, though not to the extent of witches and wizards. Squibs have a more resilient immune system than Muggles to non-magical ailments and diseases, but are still vulnerable and susceptible to them. On the other hand, they are not immune to magical pathogens and, in fact, are less resilient and much weaker than their actively magical counterparts as the magical pathogens, viruses, fungi and bacteria, thrive on the existence of magic within human cells, but only active magic can reinforce their immune systems to resist and become immune.

Gabrielle Delacour also discovered that when the magical genes coming from a human met with those of a non-human being, such as her own grandmother's species, a Veela, this resulted in "a battle for dominance" in which the magical human genes appear to win, as many part-humans possessed witch and wizard powers (including but not limited to: the Delacours, Madame Maxime and Hagrid- both half-giants- and the Hogwarts' Charms Master Flitwick who was part-goblin). She observed that both she and her sister Fleur, and their mother Apolline possessed the appearance of full Veela, but not their powers- at least not initially early in life. In later life, however, she noted an emergence and gradual increase of her own Veela powers and noted that her mother and sister- and herself- had all previously stopped aging once they reached adulthood. Veela, she noted, also consisted of all-female species.

To her shock, she realised that this meant that Veela depended on human men solely for the survival of their species. This meant that at around the age of one-hundred, as her mother confirmed, they would each become full-blooded Veela, and be compelled to leave for their own community- at least dividing their time there. Veela powers of allure and attraction over men, and that of their cousins, the Rusalka and Samodiva, and the Mediterranean nymphs, existed because of their biological instinct to mate and produce the next generation in order to preserve their species (although it gave each of them a bad reputation in terms of promiscuity). She also noted that in her sister's children, only one of them took after their mother: Victoire. Fleur's other children Dominique and Louis carried certain traits inherited from their mother in appearance, but nowhere near the extent of Victoire, especially observed and noted during their teenage years when only Victoire showed any signs of Veela magic. Gabrielle thus deduced that while it was easier for the powers to manifest- thus resulting in full-Veela- if they produced children with Muggles, with witches and wizards, a battle of dominance could be lost and eventually all traces erased completely the more wizards they reproduced with. This was evident in the DNA samples she examined, which belonged to her nieces and nephew, in which traces of the Veela's magical genes seemed to be disappearing.

Within Merpeople[]

Selkie, Harry Potter

A Selkie, or Scottish mermaid.

Merpeople are the amphibious beings who inhabit the freshwaters, oceans and seas of the world. Usually seemingly possessing the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish, they can, in fact, possess other forms, such as the lower half of an octopus, a lobster, seahorse or orca.

Merpeople possess a seemingly different branch of magic from humans. While most wizards, prior to the twenty-first century believed that merpeople simply enjoyed music and singing, Gabrielle Delacour discovered that they had a much more important purpose in the use of magic. While wizards used wands as a means to channel and direct magic, merpeople did not use wands for magic, as "wand-spells" as they are known, do not carry well underwater. Singing "song-spells" enabled them the use of echolocation, camouflage, ink clouds and increased speed, for the most basic spells. Other, more complex song-spells enabled them to manipulate light, water and wind, whereas "dark-song" spells are essentially dark magic that could do harm, although use of them is permitted in times of war.

Within Fey[]

Elf House 1

Depiction of a house built by Elves in the forest.

Like merpeople, Fey also sing their magic, although they use wands as well as wandless and non-verbal magic as well. Described as beings of magic, the Fey were responsible for the introduction of wands to humankind, and sang their spells in order to enable plant-life to grow to the extent it does, as well as clean pollution. To build houses, Fey often sang to convince trees to grow in the desired shape of their dwelling.

Elf House 2

Houses made by Fey are built through the use of magic, made by singing spells to convince the plant-life to grow to the desired height, thickness and shape of the inhabitants' needs.

Other uses for magic include singing spells when crafting tools and weapons, in order to imbue them with magical properties such as supernatural strength and sharpness. Although they used wand-spells, wandless magic, and non-verbal magic as well, like the merpeople, Fey are most famous for the use of singing magic, although this is not always definite. As beings of pure magic, they are able to channel and use magic to a greater extent than humans, who would find it very exhausting, if not difficult, to commit to wandless magic, much less a song-spell. As they possess a wider range and more power in magic than humans their abilities are seemingly endless, but its true extent is kept a strictly guarded secret by all Fey.

The type of magic they specialise depends on the species: elementals such as Undines and Slyphs, for example, possess abilities over water and air, respectively. The Curia genus of the Fey consist of the Seelie and Unseelie Courts who possess summer and winter magic, respectively. Mischievous fey such as imps, leprechauns and pixies use their magic often to perform tricks and practical jokes upon humans, whereas many members of the Sublimus genus, such as the Cherokee Nunnehi use their magic to guide and aid them.

Faeries are noted by many to be vulnerable to iron, though this is not true for all Fey, as they are beings of pure magic. Iron is a metal known to be immune to magic, acting often as a restraint (chains) or as magic-resistant weapons, being especially effective in insulating and guarding against magic. However, while it is noted to weaken, harm and even kill Fey in some instances, this is not always the case, as many can find ways to effectively safeguard, or even have developed a biological immunity towards it the way some werewolves and vampire species have against silver and sunlight, respectively.

In Progress...

Within Vampires[]

Vampires 1

Vampires are subject to the Laws of Balance: the more naturally invincible they become, the less magically powerful they are.

"Vampires are subject to the Laws of Balance; the more evolved they are to become naturally invincible, the less powerful they become."
— Gabrielle Delacour in her book, The Vampire Truth

The case of vampires are subject to the Laws of Balance, as Gabrielle Delacour- who published them- states. As there are many different species, the use of magic differs, unlike in merpeople where magic, regardless of the species, remains the same.

The earliest species, the one founded by Marcus Corvinus, were able to not only reproduce biologically but possessed powerful magic in addition to being supernaturally strong and fast. However, other species of vampires evolved in different ways. The Cullens' species evolved to have diamond-hard skin, not merely as a form of armour, but as a means of reflecting sunlight which is lethal to vampires, if not highly dangerous. Yet, as Gabrielle and her friend Ava Swan (whose twin was a vampire) noted, their powers were incredibly limited.

Ava Swan's twin sister, Bella was a Squib at birth, but carried the magical genes in dormant form. Gabrielle had theorised that if Bella had married a human and had children by him, it would have taken around three generations for her descendants to include a witch or wizard, born with the active ability to use magic; instead she gave birth to a Dhampir (half-vampire) child, sired by a vampire, who also turned out to be a witch. It is especially noteworthy that the Swan family was unique in that members possessed a natural ability for Occlumency, although in members such as Charlie and Bella, it was a latent ability. Bella Swan, for instance, was immune to various forms of Legilimency, but could not control her abilities until she became a vampire, and even then, her Occlumency powers were nowhere near as extensive as those of her twin sister Ava. Ava who, unlike Bella, remained human, could manipulate her shields into stretching to cover others for miles even, sense approaching danger and even temporarily generate Occlumency shields around another person, entirely detached from her own. Eventually, thanks to the Nexus' effects, she even developed the ability to generate physical shields, something which her twin envied her for.

As such, Gabrielle discovered that vampire venom from this particular species seem to have the ability to awaken the human magical genes in its dormant form, but only to a certain extent. Hence the reason why Renesmee, despite being half-vampire, half-human, was fully a witch, as she was never transformed or directly affected by the venom, but it nonetheless woke the magical genes she had inherited from her human mother. It is noted by Gabrielle, that although Renesmee's father possessed the magical genes as a human (and even a hereditary talent for Legilimency which was only awakened after his transformation), if Edward had sired a Dhampir child on another human- a Muggle/No-Maj- then s/he would not have been a witch or a wizard, as he was already a vampire when she was conceived.

This particular vampire strain also seems to limit the active magical powers of a witch or wizard, as was the case with Alec and Jane of the Volturi who were capable of an extensive range of abilities as humans, but were unable to do more than cast their illusions of torture and anaesthesia as vampires.

Other vampires, on the other hand, were capable of so much more, despite seeming more physically vulnerable than the Cullens' species. The first species of vampires was founded not only by Marcus Corvinus, but in part, by his wife Laima who was not only a witch, but the niece of the Witch-Queen. Marcus not only transformed Laima into a vampire to save her life, he drank some of her blood, just as she drunk some of his. This gave them a powerful connection, which included not simply telepathic and emphatic abilities (most notably a telepathic link between husband and wife), but Laima gave some of her powers to Marcus. just as he gave her immortality. Marcus and Laima each were able to give powerful magic to the various vampires they bit, and as such the other Elders feared and did not dare to cross her. In this, she gave Marcus a tremendous amount of socio-political power over Viktor, which he otherwise would have lacked, although she was unable to control his twin brother WIlliam, nor to protect him fully from the other Elders, such as Viktor.

While not all vampires of this particular species possessed the ability to use magic, those bitten by Laima or Marcus directly noticeably had the power to generate and manipulate lightning, fire, ice, wind and darkness, as well as the ability to shapeshift or at least cast illusions that seemingly made them appear as a swarm of bats, individual bats, gigantic bat-human hybrids, an individual or a pack of wolves or cats, mist or fog. They could also teleport, possessed countless telepathic and telekinetic abilities, as well as precognitive abilities and powers of hypnosis. This made them much more powerful than the Cullens' species, as Laima was able to subdue all of the Cullens and to capture them, with seemingly no effort, and on her own, no less. In addition, these vampires could also 'hibernate' and appear dead to the world, until they are able to 'come alive again' by drinking and absorbing blood. This was done by the Three Elders, all of whom took turns hibernating for two centuries and ruling for a century.

The vampires bitten directly by Marcus or Laima, or the Elders Viktor and Amelia- who were both transformed by Marcus before he transformed and drank Laima's blood, and thus did not possess the same powerful abilities as Laima- also carried some of the somewhat re-activated magic Marcus had inherited from his witch-mother Helena- were stronger and more magically powerful than other vampires. Yet the ones they bit in turn, were even slightly less powerful, and further down the pyramid of political and magical power it went. This pattern was typical, and in time, the Elders agreed that few would ever be bitten by Marcus or Laima, and never without the other two Elders' permission, as a means for the other Elders, Viktor especially (who secretly feared them, and sought to control Marcus and Laima), to maintain the balance of power. Yet, even a low-ranking vampire of their species would possess more magical power than members of the Cullens' species, as Laima admitted that they were less physically invincible than the Cullens- but the latter stood a chance of winning- if only they managed to get close to them first.

While vampires may seem to have a tremendous amount of power- and certain species do- they nonetheless possess a less broader range of magical ability than witches and wizards in general, though they appear to use their abilities with relative ease.


"Let's put it this way: Magitech is the combining of non-magical science and technology with magic."
— Gabrielle Delacour to Clary Fairchild.

Ever since the mid-nineteenth century, wizards and witches have been considerably less advanced than Muggles, despite having been the other way around for much of history. According to Gabrielle, when staircases moved and anyone could communicate through fireplaces, one saw little need to develop the escalator or the telephone. But when Muggles started to develop the lift or smartphone- which has far more abilities than an ordinary telephone- witches and wizards could only look on in envy.

Yet attempts to modernise magical society hit many dead-ends. For one thing, as Gabrielle states, witches and wizards were so used to living lives of ease through the use of magic, even for the most minute of tasks, that they have become complacent and stagnant. Attempts to use technology involved the modifying of Muggle innovations, such as trains or cars, with magic, and even then it was limited; electricity and magic naturally repel one another. This was evidenced by taking Muggle equipment such as a cellphone into a building saturated with magic, such as Hogwarts Castle, which would inevitably cause it to malfunction or even explode.

Nonetheless, there have been attempts, and a few were successful; in Magical Britain, a Wizarding Wireless radio station was set up, but attempts to create a magical television were vetoed by the British Ministry of Magic on the grounds that should a Muggle television or radio set accidentally pick up the broadcasting signal from a magical station, there would be a severe breach in the International Statute of Secrecy. Muggles, they reasoned, were more likely to believe that they had misheard something, than that they were hallucinating.

Yet in 2009, the Russian-Bulgarian wizard Sergei Devanov invented a way around that, armed with the knowledge that magic and electricity naturally repelled each other. Instead of electro-magnetic waves, magical television sets would run on waves of pure magic.

Sergei Devanov became the richest wizard in the world. He also founded magical cinema, and magical news broadcast stations, and more. While at first, many were sceptical, many more nations were quick to adopt this new invention after Sergei showed that Quidditch matches could be broadcast live for the benefit of viewers in another country (he showed Japan's national Quidditch team winning a match against Moldovia, to audiences in Germany and Liechtenstein).

After Sergei Devanov's example, the demand for magical television increased tenfold. Another thing he did, was to help his sister Nina, a famous singer, by filming her music videos with her singing songs in various languages (which ultimately caused countless more admirers to fall madly in love with her). After Sergei Devanov, many witches and wizards attempted their hand in inventing and dabbling in Magitech, although the ICW imposed licenses and strict penalties to those that did not take precautions, or went ahead without applying and earning a license.

In the mid-to-late 2020s, Albus Potter and his friend Scorpius Malfoy enlisted in a programme where they would train to be Mentats or biological computers. This programme was also a space-research programme, as witches and wizards were aiming to build spaceships using Magitech. Sergei Devanov was a patron and Gabrielle Delacour was heavily involved in its creation, training and recruitment.

Magical Taxonomy and Being Evolution[]

"Why is it so bloody complicated?!"
— Ronald Weasley on the concept of Taxonomy.

Gabrielle had previously learned the Muggle classifications of taxonomy along with evolution. She deduced, that while magic and its existence within beings and beasts may enable them to bend Muggle laws, this is not strictly and completely the case.

She suspected that magical humans and non-magical ones are still in the process of evolving apart from them; given enough time, magical humans would evolve into an entirely new species. As such, they were each considered sub-species descendants of Homo Sapiens. Throughout her travels, Gabrielle discovered a multitude of species, and noted that magical humans were thus further divided into farther groups, the most dominant and largest group being the society in which she was born into. However, other magical humans, each descended from early humans with the same branch of magic in the prehistoric era, evolved separately from them with their own societies and government structures with their own brand of magic. These included "real" Wiccan witches, Satanic and Pagan ones, they being, at least the latter two, unlike the sub-division of magical humans in which Gabrielle belonged to, typically matriarchal and religious. However, the magical subdivision which she was familiar with also had a branch splinter off them, evolving into something else entirely, not witch or wizards. Eventually, their magical abilities transformed and evolved over time, and Gabrielle hinted they had a form of runic magic completely different to what they were all familiar with.

The Secret History of Magic books[]

"It is difficult as a scholar- or anyone who values knowledge- to conceal any form of information. However, it is also my ethical obligation- as it is the obligation of any being, no matter who or what they are- to ensure the safety of others. I am not as careless with my discoveries as the scholars of previous generations, Muggle or Magical. Ignorance thrived, and usually it can be cured with knowledge, but how does one deal with the worst type of ignorance- the one that refuses to accept fact? Even worse is the reason for such ignorance: arrogance. That is far less easily cured itself; and as the Death Eaters and British Fudge administration demonstrated, it is the deadliest combination."
— Gabrielle in the foreword of The Nature of Magic.

Gabrielle Delacour was the author of a series of books, titled The Secret History of Magic. Known and translated throughout the magical world, these books provided an invaluable source of information, particularly in regards with dealings with non-humans, such as Fey, vampires, werewolves and merpeople. Through Gabrielle, the Wizarding World gained a deeper, yet broader understanding of magic and its abilities.

Gabrielle refused to specify anything that was "classified and confidential for the sake and safety of individuals throughout the world" in her books: The Secret History of Magic at least until the ICW agreed to her requests. While she made her readers aware about the certainty and existence of other non-human beings, or magical humans that were neither witch nor wizard- in fact, elaborating on various aspects of their magic, culture, civilisations, history and languages- even beliefs- Gabrielle cited a need to avoid violent conflict, as most witches and wizards, while accepting Muggle-borns, Squibs and even part-human rights and in being viewed as equals, were still fairly new to this concept and would thus likely oppose the idea of sentient non-humans with magic, and even humans with different magical abilities than their own, or other witches and wizards with different ways and brands of magic. Particularly if these individuals were said to have claimed territory of their own as a country, with an established government and even a civilisation of their own. Gabrielle feared that this might result in a conflict to dominate or impose their own authority, laws, and even expectations of compliance among such beings; or even that they would restrict territories such as MACUSA's dealings with the Sasquatches in the past, and the British Ministry's dealings with centaurs.

Stating her reasons in her book, she also feared that if witches and wizards did accept that these beings were powerful and highly advanced, they would seek to try and find their secrets, or "allow paranoia to get the better of them as the witch-hunting Muggles or No-Majs did." Thus, even if she could not conceal the existence of these beings and any specific details such as their names and magic, she would conceal their whereabouts. Gabrielle also feared that bias and prejudice would get in the way of learning, and therefore, believed that to be rid of ignorance, readers must first be "eased in" on such subjects, in order to accept her reasonings, examples and explanations more.

Gabrielle's book introduced witches and wizards not only to a forgotten history of various parts of the world and the origins of the magic they had used, they also learned taxonomic classifications; evolution; prehistoric and ancient societies and their way of life; other cultures of various parts of the world both modern and ancient (it was seen as big deal since witches and wizards were still largely provincial); ancient languages including proto-languages and scripts and how they evolved and affected the modern world; even the concept of plate tectonics. According to Minerva McGonagall, headmistress and former transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts, it provided more information about the nature of magic and its biology- and even the history of the various branches of magic and magic-users more than Professor Binns (the notoriously dull ghost who taught Hogwarts' History of Magic class). Gabrielle would go on to receive offers from various schools of magic to teach, which she declined citing her occupation with travel and research, although she made widely-lauded presentations which actually captured the students' interest (although initially because they found her appealing) and enabled them to learn.

The second part of the book introduced them to the existence of Nexus Sources, which, like the others, Gabrielle refused to specify too much about. In fact, so hesitant was she about publishing anything for fear of conflict, that she considered publishing only the history of witches and wizards and the evolution of the magical genes within them. However, she realised the possibility that others may have discovered them, and even when she refused to specify every precise details, she prepared them for the possibility of meeting different beings and coming-face-to-face with certain societies, as she hoped to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. More than anything, however, she feared the nature of the corrupt or easily-corrupted, power-hungry, ambitious and controlling. This was the reason she publicly put out when confronted by the ICW, that even if there existed just and honourable individuals within governments, various administrations came and went, and not everyone new on the job could be trusted, especially as time went by and they grew comfortable with power. Gabrielle cited the example of the seemingly initially well-meaning Cornelius Fudge but also many others. She also cited the example of Dolores Umbridge.

Gabrielle refused to specify even the names, natures and brands of magic used by these various beings (including witches and wizards who did not answer to any Ministry, Council or MACUSA)- at least until the ICW respected their rights to independence, their own territory and system of government, and to live un-interfered with and unharmed. She also refused to specify the exact places of the Nexus Sources, citing the reasons above, and its lethal power- as well as the fact that various guardians have protected them from threats such as Voldemort for centuries and have not failed, unlike magical governments who could be overtaken and/or corrupted. This was met with an outpouring of support, not just with activist groups (who supported the idea of equal rights for all) and traditionalists alike, but also non-human beings who emerged including centaurs and the Gringotts goblins.

The various Fae species gradually emerged and formed a formal confederation or league, similar in nature to the ICW and Muggle United Nations. These reached a treaty of sorts with the ICW, who agreed to respect their rights, once they put up a united front and show of power. The treaty was sealed and formalised using magic, and Gabrielle played the role of mediator.

The Secret History of Magic, particularly the first two volumes, The Nature of Magic and The Evolution of Magic, was a vital source material in magical schools across the world, and in governments due to its explanations on various cultures which enabled them to avoid offending anyone through misunderstandings.

However, despite her best efforts to prevent any ensuing conflict stemming from the knowledge she had discovered, the knowledge that there were other species of magical humans and the secret of the Nexus sources caused a firestorm of interest within the magical world. The Fey beings all united and declared independence from humans, both Shadowhunters and witches and wizards. Fanatics, including remnants of the Death Eaters, all searched for the Nexus Sources, at times targeting Gabrielle and her friends to obtain such information on the sources of magic. Shadowhunters at times came close to conflict with witches and wizards, and as both kinds were used to having their authority acknowledged by other races, they were unused to being looked down upon or not having any power over another magical being (although according to Ava Swan, one of Gabrielle's closest friends, it served everyone right and was actually healthy for them all). The various Homo Lupus species (who were hereditary werewolves, and did not continue their species by infecting others), were irritated at the sudden interest of witches and wizards who sought them out, and Gabrielle had had to request that the ICW prohibit anyone but a select few friendly with the various packs of species, from contacting them. Centaurs and merpeople, following the example of the Fey, all sought independence from magical humans, as did the European Giants, North American Sasquatches and Tibetan Yeti. While most magical humans now supported them, Gabrielle was forced to contend with Pure-Blood or Wizarding Supremacists who were furious at her "emboldening" of other magical beings. She also helped in drafting treaties that agreed in these various races' independence from all humans, ensuring that they would be left alone so long as they adhered to the International Statute of Secrecy, or their own form of it where they kept their existence a strictly guarded secret from all non-magical humans.

Gabrielle Delacour prompted the various Ministries and Councils of Magic in the ICW to safeguard the locations of the Nexus sources. She also brought to light the existence of the Witch-Queen, further increasing interest in Pure-Blood Supremacists- although she specifically made it clear the differences between the original Witch-Queen and the Usurper, which included Pure-Blood Supremacy. Nevertheless, the discovery of this legendary being's existence- of which most of the magical world had never even heard of- spurred an incredible interest in magical prehistory and Ancient History. Unfortunately, someone had also leaked the rumours that the famous singer Nina Devanova (after her kidnap by Antonin Dolohov) was a descendant of the Witch-Queen, prompting more fans and for people to call her the "Witch-Princess" which irritated her beyond words.
