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All items (341)
- Aaron Blackwell (The Eternal Wayfarer)
- Adora Firstborn (S5127051)
- Adrian Pucey (DLD)
- Aebumeark Falbad (S5127051)
- Aglais (S5127051)
- Aideen Graves Scholt (Unicorn Club)
- Aiden Chamberlain (DLD)
- Albus Dumbledore (Hunter's Melody)
- Alexander Zhuvinsky (XNDUIW Simon)
- Alexandre Weasley (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Alicia Longbottom (Hunter's Melody)
- Amanda Malfoy (Hope's Rise)
- Amelia Martin (MA)
- Andromeda Tonks (Hunter's Melody)
- Andronicus Tonks (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Anneliese Zabini (Hunter's Melody)
- Aquarius Prince-Slytherin (Hunter's Melody)
- Ara Malfoy (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Artemis Black (Vela)
- Artemis Weasley (Lady Rosalia Coral)
- Arthur Doge (S5127051)
- Arthur Weasley (Hunter's Melody)
- Arthur Weasley II (Scopatore)
- Astoria Zabini (Hunter's Melody)
- Astrid Scamander (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Audrey Weasley (Scopatore)
- Augusta Carrow (Scopatore)
- Augustus Julien Briggs (The Truth Behind Aurora)
- Aurora Pikeman (The Truth Behind Aurora)
- Aurora Silverthorn (Curse-Break)
- Azula Caldera (Phoenix Rising)
- Jessie Bell (Scopatore)
- Bill Weasley (Scopatore)
- Bill Weasley (Wolf Among Us)
- Bellatrix Black (Devil's Daughter)
- Blaise Zabini (Hunter's Melody)
- Boudica Banes (Cossack09)
- Lavender Brown (Prince's World)
- Cressida Burgess (Epithalamium series)
- Carnil Morifin Taurin (Manwe-wĆ³dz CeladrimĆ³w)
- Castor Weasley (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Catelyn Weasley (Hope's Rise)
- Catra D'Memirel (UltronUniverse)
- Cedrella Weasley (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Cepheus Black (Vela)
- Cho Chang (Prince's World)
- Chrissie Snape (Scopatore)
- Cirano Montani (S5127051)
- Claire Renard (Scopatore)
- Clemente Alborosie (Scopatore)
- Conor Carlisle (Carlisle The Cinephile)
- Coralie Lovegood (Stdumont)
- Corvinus Malfoy (Hope's Rise)
- Dennis Creevey (Prince's World)
- Danielle Potter (Demon's Breath)
- Daphne Greengrass (Hunter's Melody)
- Daphne Greengrass (Scopatore)
- Dawn Parkinson (Demon's Breath)
- Delphi Riddle (The Hated Hero)
- Dolores Umbridge (The Truth Behind Aurora)
- Dominique N. Weasley (OPSW)
- Dominique Weasley (Children of Light and Darkness)
- Donatello Maximoff (Scopatore)
- Dorian Granger-Weasley (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Draco Malfoy (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Draco Malfoy-Potter (Demon's Breath)
- Dragomir Dumitru (Scopatore)
- Dragon Lord (S5127051)
- Edward Lupin (Prince's World)
- Eleanora Weasley (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Eleonore von Schwarzwald
- Elizabeth Keenheart (Phoenix Rising)
- Ellison Prince (The Truth Behind Aurora)
- Emileigh Longbottom (Scopatore)
- Emma Vanity (Vela)
- Ephraim Black (HunterBlue)
- Evelyn Zaghloul (Scopatore)
- Gabrielle Delacour (Scopatore)
- Gaia Cech (S5127051)
- Gabriel Gale (Prince's World)
- George Weasley (Hunter's Melody)
- Ginny Weasley (Scopatore)
- Godwin McGonagall (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Gregory Goyle (Prince's World)
- Hermione Granger (Devil's Daughter)
- Hannah Abbott (Scopatore)
- Harry Potter (Domine qui ab Antiqua)
- Harry Potter (The Truth Behind Aurora)
- Hermione Granger (Demon's Breath)
- Hermione Granger (Lord Caesar)
- Hermione Granger (Scopatore)
- Hermione Granger (The Truth Behind Aurora)
- Hermione Slytherin (Vela)
- Hermione Weasley (Children of Light and Darkness)
- Hiro Hamada (S5127051)
- Hunter Silverwood (AFlyingRaven)
- Jacklyn Malfoy-Potter (Demon's Breath)
- Jacob Keenheart (Phoenix Rising)
- James Potter II (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Jason Glyndwr (Cossack09)
- Jenna Malfoy (Things Use to be in Harmony)
- Jingyi KuĆ ng (S5127051)
- Joseph Chamberlain (Cossack09)
- Lacerta Black (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Lavina Rookwood (Sjolie44)
- Layla Malfoy (Dragons Wings)
- Leda Weasley (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Lei'lani Malfoy (Hunter's Melody)
- Leo Malfoy (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Leo Potter (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Lia Chance (Dark Sky)
- Lidia Cristea (Scopatore)
- Lilian J. Evans (Dragons Wings)
- Lilian Prince-Slytherin (Hunter's Melody)
- Lilium Potter (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Lily Evans (Scopatore)
- Lily Evans (Wild Kratts)
- Lily J. Potter (Demon's Breath)
- Lily J. Potter (Phoenix Rising)
- Lixue Malfoy (Hunter's Melody)
- Louis Weasley (Children of Light and Darkness)
- Luna Lovegood (Devil's Daughter)
- Lucius Malfoy (Children of Light and Darkness)
- Lucius Malfoy II (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Luna Lovegood (Scopatore)
- Lunala Prince (Clash of Ideals)
- Lynnette Weasley (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Lyra Malfoy (Vela)
- RenesmƩe MacAdams (Devil's Daughter)
- Madeleine Delacour (Vela)
- Maia Lestrange (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Marcus McGonagall (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Margaux Weasley (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Maria Hunter (The Truth Behind Aurora)
- Marigold Weasley (A Pureblood Legacy)
- Mariposa Zabini (Hunter's Melody)
- Marvolo Prince-Slytherin (The Truth Behind Aurora)
- Matthew Potter II (DM)
- Maximilien Laurent (Scopatore)
- Luna Maximoff (Scopatore)
- Maya Naese (Phoenix Rising)
- Einar McGonagall (Epithalamium series)
- Minerva McGonagall (Epithalamium series)
- Meredith Loch (Hybird)
- Michael Potter (Scopatore)
- Milo Thatch (Hunter's Melody)
- Minerva McGonagall (Hunter's Melody)
- Mirajane Le Couleurs (Hunter's Melody)
- Miranda Potter (Scopatore)